Yes but i suggest to use app to modify the related parameter you can decide to use atti (set to 3) or tripod (cinematic) or sport or normal
View attachment 129785
I connect my Mini2 to the PC with dh-win v1.14 succesfully!
I can change parameters

But when i set fswitch...mode [1] from 8 to 3 (sport to atti), Fly app doesn't show atti mode when i change the switch on remote. In fact it doesn't show new mode, seems like it stays in N mode.
Is it normal? (currently i'm inside in a room)
Are you sure "3" is atti mode?
Also sport mode is nice to have in high wind. Do you know if atti mode has the same maximum tilt angle like sport? So i won't have flyaway?
Also, it is possible to slow down forward movement with some pitch parameter maybe? Even cine mode is too fast sometimes.. I can change yaw speed in the app but not forward/sideway speed.
thanks a lot!