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Mavic Mini with Firehouse LED strobe and Bracket.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2020
1- I just received the Firehouse LED with the new bracket that allows access to the power button for my mini. There are comments (blogs) out there that the bracket blocks the air vents. It does block the air vents but I have seen no posts where that is a problem.
Does anyone think that the Firehouse LED with the new bracket will be a problem and cause overheating. It is a nice bracket and LED, but not if it causes the drone to overheat.

2- Also. Drones for Dummies (me).
I was not paying attention and installed the bracket backwards. The mini went crazy and shot up full throttle, stuck to my garage ceiling like glue. I had to be quick !. Lucky I had the prop guards on , killed the motors and no damage. Cause...
Installing the Firehouse bracket backwards which covers the down sensors and the Mini reacted as it should. Wildly! If I were outdoors the Mini would be in Mars by now.
I am sure there are no other pilots on this blog dumb as me. Hey, accidents happen when not paying attention.

Any response to question one appreciated.
OK, I will respond to myself. Went out for a flight and Got a "Processor overheat" warning. DO NOT BUY THIS.

Firehouse LED for Mini mount (new one with access to power button) WILL overheat the Mini. Not sure where the Firehouse website is getting the reviews from because there is no option to review. Stay clear of this. The LED is EXCELLENT.
As for the mount you will have to get creative. It will break your drone. Terrible to mount, hard to get off or put on ( I used a needle nose pliers) terrible mount in general. There are better ones out there that I will not post as it will look like I am favoring other manufactures.
Do some research but don't buy this one. Lesson learned. I wasted my money.

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Wish I had read your post before I made my purchase of the DJI Mavic Mini Bottom Strobe Light Kit that includes the Strobe from Firehouse. Thinking I might not utilize the mount.
If I am understanding correctly the mount clips to the vent holes on the sides of the body. May I ask, does it fit tight against the Mini's belly/bottom vents or is there some space between the two.
Too darn tight. Had to use a needle nose plier to pry off the clip and not break the drone body off. The good news, Received another today from a different manufacturer. I Love it !! Supper small does not block vents. Went for a flight today and its golden ! I broke the firehouse mount apart on purpose to get the LED out and mounted on my new mount.
So the Firehouse mount in in the garbage where it belongs and I saved the LED which is a really good LED.

New mount ...
Cons... Blocks power button so you have to take it off to power up each time.
Pros. Super light, Fits perfect, easy to take on and off anytime, does not block vents.

Durability, I cannot speak one that yet. Only had one flight with NO problems.


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If I am understanding correctly the mount clips to the vent holes on the sides of the body. May I ask, does it fit tight against the Mini's belly/bottom vents or is there some space between the two.
Ray, only one vent is left open. Regardless of what is posted I will not take a chance with this. Maybe if you are flying 40MPH all the time you will get enough air, but I hover a lot and the drone cant breath.
Thanks for the reply!

I went ahead and ordered just the strobe - no mount. Once I get it I will take a look but my thought is to use a design similar to the Firehouse unit but extend the arms attaching it to the drone. I would allow a 1/8" to 3/16" gap between the body and the upper surface of the mount. In my mind that would create a tunnel for air to pass through and vent. Part of the side vents would be blocked but none of the bottom.

Yes, a little more drag but hopefully manageable. Also, with longer mounting arms I should be able to vary the size to allow enough spring to allow it to hold securely but still be easily removable.

I have a 3D printer so it shouldn't be a big deal. I need to check Thingiverse as there already may be something there.
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Yea, thats nice. I do not like mounting anything to the arms. Another note taken today. Just came down from a night flight. If the LED is on full (not blinking) acting as a landing light it gets really hot. Hot enough to burn your finger. I would keep it on strobe. I don't think Drag is an issue, Mini is good on that if you are not in crazy wind and not using prop cage. Now I wish I could find something similar for myMav PRO. THough the Mav PRO does not realy need it. Velcro should do.
I have the Firehouse mount. The first one I bought got jammed in the vent on one side. Had to hit it with a heat gun and destroy it to get it out, and even then caused a stress mark and some deformation on the MM vent slot. The replacement hasn't had that problem and I haven't had any overheating, but weather has been mild. I now have the MissChrisy mount from Etsy standing by in case I have any more trouble with the Firehouse mount.
I have the Firehouse mount. The first one I bought got jammed in the vent on one side. Had to hit it with a heat gun and destroy it to get it out, and even then caused a stress mark and some deformation on the MM vent slot. The replacement hasn't had that problem and I haven't had any overheating, but weather has been mild. I now have the MissChrisy mount from Etsy standing by in case I have any more trouble with the Firehouse mount.
I did not want to cause bad PR for Firehouse. But yes, Missy's mount rocks.
Just printed my version of a mount for the Firehouse Arc Strobe. I wanted the power button accessible, clearance for venting and easily removed. This is what I came up with and believe it should work fine BUT raining again today so no flight test. The four vertical tabs serve as landing legs but also by squeezing them together allow the mounting arms to spread making removal easy.


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Just printed my version of a mount for the Firehouse Arc Strobe. I wanted the power button accessible, clearance for venting and easily removed. This is what I came up with and believe it should work fine BUT raining again today so no flight test. The four vertical tabs serve as landing legs but also by squeezing them together allow the mounting arms to spread making removal easy.
Looks good! I like the dual purpose of the legs and that that the mount is raised from the vents.

Question: Not seeing in your photos how thick the FAC actual board is, would it be beneficial to have air holes or slots in the mount for extra cooling for the mini and the board?
There is not a lot of space inside the mount box. Foam, battery and to the top of the board (not protruding components) is about 10.5 mm. I did leave the back totally open for cooling (plus it made printing easier). I thought about placing two small holes near the corners in the forward face of the box. That would allow a little air to move through but decided not to. As is the front area is fairly protected. But if it seems to run hot I will reprint with the holes.


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That is nice !!!
I have the Firehouse mount. The first one I bought got jammed in the vent on one side. Had to hit it with a heat gun and destroy it to get it out, and even then caused a stress mark and some deformation on the MM vent slot. The replacement hasn't had that problem and I haven't had any overheating, but weather has been mild. I now have the MissChrisy mount from Etsy standing by in case I have any more trouble with the Firehouse mount.
Yea that is a terrible mount. I had same problem so I snapped it with a Needle nose and threw it in the garbage. As earlier posted. Waste of money / Drone breaker.
There is not a lot of space inside the mount box. Foam, battery and to the top of the board (not protruding components) is about 10.5 mm. I did leave the back totally open for cooling (plus it made printing easier). I thought about placing two small holes near the corners in the forward face of the box. That would allow a little air to move through but decided not to. As is the front area is fairly protected. But if it seems to run hot I will reprint with the holes.
Also Aerodynamics have to be kept in check. The mount I have not works great but the mini gave me a high wind warning at 89 feet and there was little wind. Although Flight log showed 15 MPH wind at 89 feet. That's possible I guess.
I also do not like I have to take it off to power up, but it comes on and off easy. Crow bar not needed like the Firehouse mount.
There is not a lot of space inside the mount box. Foam, battery and to the top of the board (not protruding components) is about 10.5 mm. I did leave the back totally open for cooling (plus it made printing easier). I thought about placing two small holes near the corners in the forward face of the box. That would allow a little air to move through but decided not to. As is the front area is fairly protected. But if it seems to run hot I will reprint with the holes.
This looks promising Ray. Test the heck out of it and see if you can mach the color.
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