I've seen many Mavic flight videos (mine included) where when you're flying sideways, perpendicular to what you're video'ing that the closer objects (trees, etc.) seem "jumpy" or "jittery" but further away objects (usually at the top of the frame) are not jittery/jumpy. However, when flying/videoing in a straight line, this never seems to happen.
Would really like to see some video of a flight like I described above from a Mavic 2 (pro or Zoom) please.
An ideal scenario would be flying in a given direction with a 90 degree yaw with video, and something fairly close to the bottom of the frames.
Hope this makes sense.
**crossposted in DJI forum for different audience**
Would really like to see some video of a flight like I described above from a Mavic 2 (pro or Zoom) please.
An ideal scenario would be flying in a given direction with a 90 degree yaw with video, and something fairly close to the bottom of the frames.
Hope this makes sense.
**crossposted in DJI forum for different audience**