I got so much awesome help with this, I feel I owe everyone an update! Just for grins, I had my wife post up on our community Facebook page inquiring if anyone has seen the drone, and sure enough, our neighbor a half mile away found it in his yard!! He was nice enough to drop it off tonight, but unfortunately by the time he found it, it had already been raining for a couple days straight. Aside from the possible water damage, the gimble is completely severed, the battery door is broken off(though may be able to be popped back on) and all props are toast. I went ahead and filed a claim with DJI a few days ago before I knew someone found it and they in error sent me a shipping label even though I had no drone to ship at the time. I think I'll go ahead and ship it back and see what the repair quote looks like. From what I've read from others, their usually very reasonable.
All else fails, I'm very grateful to at least get back my micro sd card full of previous pics/vids, as well as the battery, which doesnt appear damaged, corroded, burnt or swollen and actually charges, lol.
One last question though- in my case details, DJI listed the suggested return items as- drone, gimble cover, battery, and remote. Anybody know why they'd need the remote and battery? I honestly rather not send the remote if I dont have to. Thanks again all!! I learned so much, especially in regards to the flight records, phantomhelp flight log viewer, etc.