Oh wow, hope you figure out. Good to hear you got it back, though. Now to just work through the anxiety when flying it again.So I lost my Mini 3 yesterday after it completely lost transmission at about 800m distance with clear LOS.
Here is the thread with details: Lost Mini 3
Sent a new search party out this morning and found the drone on the ground 10' from the last GPS coordinates. The drone was intact and powered up fine. Still had 38% battery. Not sure why it shut down.
Bottom line, 800m with clear line of sight and the drone lost signal... not great.

I had a buddy buy a drone from them and their electronics return policy is limited. I don’t remember the exact length, but at most it was like 90 days. Could be less, though. I’d give them a call to verify, just in case.I don't have personal experience with electronics, but from what I understand no.