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MM CE into FCC hack

Confirmed. FCC hack works.

Here, at spain, I got 1000 mt at 5.8Ghz using hack. Same urban area no hack only 500 mt. That's double range :)

Thanks for your help and advices


I got even better results, 1.3km in 5.8ghz in a rural area. But I prefer to just not use the Hack when I'm out in the wild, its better to use the 2.4ghz and this way get about 3km with the CE version, even 2.5km is ok ad doable! But for the City the FCC Hack is really needed if you olan to fly over 500m. Its also good for flying less than 500m because the video feed reception is just 100% perfect this way. Before without the FCC hack I used to have video reception problems at less than 100m, video was lagging and all choppy and I even got scared a bit that I'd have to fly without video. I quickly bought the Mini back to me and all was good. I then decided that I'll just not fly in the City, or fly less than 100m or so when there is interference. So after that I came across the FCC Hack and decided to try it.

My response to the FCC Hack is just WOW, WOW, WOW!!! The distance most definitely at least doubles, and that is just perfect for me as I don't plan to fly my drone further than 1km in the city, but I definitely want the range and the better video reception.

So now in the city, I always fly with the FCC Hack! I always start up Fake GPS and take off from inside where no satellites can penetrate. Usually I firstly do the GEO Zone authorization as I live in one of them blue authorization zones. After that only do I do the Hack, start up my Fake GPS and then fly! I only got the message once that it is changing its settings to match local laws to FCC. Every time when I fly the way I fly the drone is in FCC mode as it only has 11 of the 2.4ghz channels.

I love my Mavic Mini very much! It truly is an awesome drone, especially when you take it up high some of those view are priceless!!!

cool cool
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Sounds pretty conclusive ... I'm not saying I don't believe you so don't think that - But - it is possible to get better transmission/reception by simply changing the carrier frequency (2.4 or 4.8 GHz) and/or WIFi channel - especially when you are putting the device onto a frequency or channel that's not used in your area. I'm still wondering what the actual difference is in transmitted power between the CE and FCC when the hack is done on a CE device. That can only really be confirmed with an RF signal strength meter.

Honestly I'm not sure how all this really works, but I know for a fact that on my CE Mini the range more than doubles with the FCC Hack, else less than 500m and very bad video after 100m in the city.

With the hack though, over 1km in 5.8ghz in the city without any video reception problems at all!

So however it does it is not very relevant to me especially - to me its important to know that I have just over 1km (I've seen a guy get to 1.3km) with the FCC Hack. I wish I could just fly in 2.4ghz but absolutely all 13 channels are always red(full of interference) in the area where I live in! So in the City 5.8ghz is my only option, and I'd rather have it FCC Hacked for sure.

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Your method works to preserve hack for next flight, but I realized forced exit from app fefore landing causes flight log corruption. Flight path ends abruptly in mid-flight, end half of flight path is missing.

Looking for alternatives I succesfully tried landing drone in a normal way (using DJI Fly app) but turnin off Mavic Mini as soon as it touches down, before it can process the changing WIFI region command from controller.

Best regards.


I use the FCC Hack on my CE Mini all the time now. I have an Android phone by default, so its really easy for me to always use this hack.


I'll give you a real world example here, from my personal experience. As some of you already know I live in Bulgaria, Sofia - near the City Center (about 3km form the absolute center). There is a load of Wi-Fi interference in my area. Some time ago I flew my Mini over to a Stadium(I have a few flights like that) which is about 150m away from my place. Now I fly out my balcony, so you can imagine how much Wi-Fi is just around the base of where I take of from, ever mind the other Wi-Fi once I get out near the actual Stadium!

Anyway, so some time ago when I flew over there, was my first flight so far away, I noticed that when the Mini was about 60m altitude and 125m distance away from me - THE VIDEO FEED PICTURE started becoming very choppy and laggy and it honestly scared me to bits almost! So after that I realized how simple this FCC Hack is and started using it. Inside my apartment in the inner corridor there is no GPS signals at all, so I always start up Fake GPS and take off from my corridor, this way the Mini is always in FCC mode, with 11 channels only for the 2.4ghz band. If the 2.4ghz band had a free channel, with no interference then I would never be using the FCC Hack, I'd just put it on 2.4ghz and fly like that up to 3km I've seen videos of.

So after I started using the FCC Hack I noticed that my VIDEO RECEPTION IMMEDIATELY BECAME SUPER SUPER FLUID AND THE TRANSMISSION WAS REALLY AWAY 100% Perfect! I don't fly far out, but It is very nice to know that this FCC Hack effectively doubles the range on my Mini, I've seen a video where they fly 1.3km in 5.8ghz using a CE version that is FCC Hacked.

So because I'm flying in the city I prefer to be on the safe side, I'd rather be safe. And also guys my logs don't get corrupted at all, I upload them all to DJI always and never had a problem. But I always land normally. When I land, strangely the Mini does not switch back to CE mode, before it used to do that I think - now it just stays in FCC.

Also I live in a blue Authorization GEO Zone, so I first have to fly normally and unlock the Enhanced Warning Zone and the 3 different Authorization zones I live it and then only to I restart and do the FCC Hack.

This FCC Hack has made me love my Mini even more, now knowing that I can fly it about 1km very safely in 5.8ghz I feel my Mini is complete! I stil have to go to a rural area and try the 2,4ghz - as all the 2.4ghz channels are always red, all of them red not even one available!
So then again i asked the question.
I still need a android phone.
I don’t have. Someone can tell me a cheap one to buy?
Or just use iSpoofer. See a post previously on this. Works fine for iPhone, but you need to hook up your laptop just once. Very easy
Yes the hardware has been compared, there is an amplifier called Sky... something-something can't remember exactly just that it starts with a Sky and is an amplifier in the FCC version's Control(TX)! Soo we've already cracked and found out exactly how this all works, as I've reached out to DJI and asked them about this!

DJI says that the FCC version has different hardware, hence the amplifier. Also I asked them what happens when I take my CE Mini to the US? DJI says that the Device will chenge its settings to produce more power ON THE SAME CIRCUIT! So even though there is no amplifier chip, DJI feeds more power to the transmitter when it's in 5.8ghz mode! This is the reason why the real FCC drone can fly over 4km and the CE drone can only fly 1.3km with 5.8ghz when Hacked and not the full 4km. If it also had the Sky amplifier chip then it would reach 4km, but as it doesn't have it - the best DJI could do is to just boost the power by a little to effectifely double the CE 5.8ghz range.

I've already tried it, and yes it does work. My CE Mini ca reach over 1km in the City that is! before it could not go over 350m without extreme lag and the video feed would completely go away at about 450m in the city! So the FCC Hack most definitely does work, but it's only worth using if you can't manually switch over to 2.4ghz, as in 2.4ghz I get 2.3km easily!

For me its really simple and easy to hack my Mini to be FCC, where it has 11 of the 2.4gz channels only. Honestly ever since I started flying with the FCC Hack my video feed is super stable, clear, and fluid with no lag, no chopping of the image nothing, just a really good and strong signal reception!

I really hope that DJI would just make this an option, so we don't have to hack it. Or even permanently enable such power for the CE Mini, so it reaches over 1km in 5.8ghz, then we can still use the 2.4ghz for the rural areas. In the city I really do make use of the 1.3km range the CE Mini offers in 5.8ghz when FCC Hacked.

I always check my channels, and if it is possible that I fly in 2,4ghz then I don't do the hack as its not needed(2.4ghz has just over 3km in rural areas - which is very nice)!

cool cool....

Outstanding !
I have both a CE and FCC model and flying in a CE area. Without the hack both models are disappointing. As I live in an area that is wifi corrupted in the 2.4 range I always use the 5.8 on the CE. Prior to the hack I could only get about 400 meters on the CE model and 1000 meters on the FCC model. After using the hack I can get about 980 on the CE and have been out 2400 meters on the FCC model with no interference. I haven't yet tried the FCC model for full distance.

I'm hoping that someone can come up with a software hack that would eliminate having to go through the Fake GPS hack. NLDz has a software hack like that for the Spark and Air for the CE area. Maybe somebody can come out with something similar for the Mini.

As we know, one can see if the hack is working on the CE model by looking at the 2.4 range and seeing if there is 11 or 13 channels. I haven't found a way to confirm it on the FCC model other than just flying and testing the range. Has anyone come up with a way to check ?
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Outstanding !
I have both a CE and FCC model and flying in a CE area. Without the hack both models are disappointing. As I live in an area that is wifi corrupted in the 2.4 range I always use the 5.8 on the CE. Prior to the hack I could only get about 400 meters on the CE model and 1000 meters on the FCC model. After using the hack I can get about 980 on the CE and have been out 2400 meters on the FCC model with no interference. I haven't yet tried the FCC model for full distance.

I'm hoping that someone can come up with a software hack that would eliminate having to go through the Fake GPS hack. NLDz has a software hack like that for the Spark and Air for the CE area. Maybe somebody can come out with something similar for the Mini.

As we know, one can see if the hack is working on the CE model by looking at the 2.4 range and seeing if there is 11 or 13 channels. I haven't found a way to confirm it on the FCC model other than just flying and testing the range. Has anyone come up with a way to check ?
I’m onto that. Possibly on Android, you can see it when looking at the channel graph and where the 1km and the 4km annotations are located on the right y-axis.

On iPhone, I’m 100% sure there is no way to see it from the channel graph. However, I think you can see it from the home screen. When you are on the DJI Fly app home screen, click on the top left (the yellow location symbol). The location screen appears now. On the middle above, it says country name and “Mavic Mini”. When the country name is still an FCC country, you’re in FCC mode. When the country name is a CE country, you’re in CE mode. I’m not sure if this method is 100% conclusive but it’s the only difference that I’ve found.
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Outstanding !
I have both a CE and FCC model and flying in a CE area. Without the hack both models are disappointing. As I live in an area that is wifi corrupted in the 2.4 range I always use the 5.8 on the CE. Prior to the hack I could only get about 400 meters on the CE model and 1000 meters on the FCC model. After using the hack I can get about 980 on the CE and have been out 2400 meters on the FCC model with no interference. I haven't yet tried the FCC model for full distance.

I'm hoping that someone can come up with a software hack that would eliminate having to go through the Fake GPS hack. NLDz has a software hack like that for the Spark and Air for the CE area. Maybe somebody can come out with something similar for the Mini.

As we know, one can see if the hack is working on the CE model by looking at the 2.4 range and seeing if there is 11 or 13 channels. I haven't found a way to confirm it on the FCC model other than just flying and testing the range. Has anyone come up with a way to check ?

Yeah, you should most definitely FCC Hack your Mini, no matter if its an FCC one or a CE one. Especially the CE one needs the FCC Hack badly when flying in the city or a highly congested 2.4ghz band wi-fi area! I get just over 1.1km in the city with my CE Mini when its hacked. I honestly am very afraid of such flights where the drone is nowhere to be seen at all! But it is very nice to know that the lil fella can actually do it!

I still sometimes fly unhacked in 5.8ghz just when flying indoors at home and such flights, but when I fly outside from my balcony I then really prefer to be sure that I'll have a stable video feed and the distance up to 1km!

So yeah in Europe the FCC model would tune its transmission power down, to match local regulations - this is probably why you have this observation that both models should be hacked. That's only in the City though, if you go out in a rural area, like a huge field in the mountains or something - then no hack needed for the CE model, just manually switch over to 2.4ghz and you will probably get just over 3km or so, 2km for sure with excellent video feed. The FCC model would need to also be hacked to think its in a home country so that it releases the full transmission power.

Well at least we've almost figured out our Minis in terms of how to hack them when to hack them and when not to - all those things. But.....

I really really think that we need to carry out an experiment, and I'll also contribute to it. For us CE model and CE country Mavic Mini pilots, we should try to select a 2.4ghz channel even though it is RED! And then we should just try to fly out and see what results we get!I did it once yesterday, I un-hacked my model so now it is all normal, no FCC Hack an then I manually chose a RED channel from the 2.4ghz ones. I flew, but only indoors as weather was really bad. I had no problems at all, but that's not to say it will always be like that. So should we try and do it, I most definitely will try again today to choose a red channel from the 2.4ghz band and see how it goes. I do watch them channels for some time and if one of them goes green for a some time and the red again and then green and so on, I choose that one obviously.

It would be cool if we could just do that, manually use a red 2.4ghz channel and get our range/distance this way without the hassle of hacking.

Will post my results later, after a flight like that.

cool cool
So someone tell me why you want go 500m+ with this drone when you have to have it within VLOS?

Yes I get you want to go for a long distance but it's clearly breaking the rules ... I can't see mine when it's 200m away let alone 2km ..
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So someone tell me why you want go 500m+ with this drone when you have to have it within VLOS?

Yes I get you want to go for a long distance but it's clearly breaking the rules ... I can't see mine when it's 200m away let alone 2km ..

Hello Gkinghrn...

Yes you are absolutely correct. The atmospheric conditions in Bulgaria, Sofia these days are not good for LOS really. There is this very fine fog-type of overall mist in the air, but it is so very light that you have to force yourself to see it. Although, when I flew my Mini about 80m away from me and 90m high and it was gone, could not hear or see it! And I really tried looking for it but it could not be seen. I'm sure in better atmospheric conditions it would be more visible. I'm actually thinking of buying me a STROBE, one of them very very bright ones, that you can see for like a whole nautical mile of something! I really want to start doing night flights, but it is so very scary to send the lil fella out so far and so high and then I'd mostly have to use telemetry/instruments to get back home, and that I want to avoid. I like to fly my Mini LOS when its close to me, I guess its just a habit from 4 years of flying 3D helicopters - Ijust gotta be able to see the thing hey.

But I am getting more and more brave, I mean I took it 100m high and it was gone, I was only relying and looking at the screen, like a video game or something! This Mini is no toy, no matter what anyone tells me! I also get the point that I mean why on earth would you wanna send the little fella 2km out or further!? Such a small, tiny little machine - so very far away! It sounds kind of tempting, but also like a huge risk of somehow losing it! I honestly want to fly high and close-ish to me. So like 500m high(cz it wont go higher) and about 1km away from me maximum I think. So this is why if I can't use the 2.4ghz band channel to fly, then I most definitely will need the FCC Hack so that I can reach the mentioned distance.

cool cool

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Hello Guys...

I wanna say that yesterday when I was at home I decided to try and fly my CE Mini - manually changing the transmission over to 2.4ghz RED channel, one that is interfered with! I only flew indoors, inside my living room, flew for about 11 minutes or so and everything was perfect, the video was absolutely solid and smooth, all the controls were on spot and everything about the flight was just 100% as expected, superb transmission quality! I then landed and waited for a while with the drone switched off, because at about 10 minutes of indoor flying the lil fella's battery gets to just over 40.0 C' and I don't really like that, don't wanna degrade the quality of the battery! I changed to another red channel, just in case the first one was not red enough and I got exactly the same excellent results!

SO my conclusion is that for short distance, of about 3 meters to 4 maximum the red channels are OK. I have to do some more testing, but it is very scary to select red options! I think that maybe the interference will show or start to show when I fly further out, like maybe 500m or even less, not sure!

Then it hit me that I did not switch off my phone's W-Fi! So I switched it off and then about half of the 2.4ghz channels went GREEN!!! Usually I cannot switch off my internet, and I don't want to because I need it for unlocking the blue authorization zone I live in, and also for the map, I like it when the map loads properly. So maybe my own phone was causing some of them 2.4ghz channels to be RED, and from now on I will always switch off my Wi-Fi for sure! I will always try to use the 2.4ghz channels also unless I see or find a problem, and I'll obviously take it easy and not start crazy flying!

So the FCC Hack is still cool on a CE model Mini and very usable if you wanna be sure that you will get between 500m and 1.3km in the City and that you will be using a GREEN channel, so will be on the really safe side when it comes to transmission! On the other hand - if the 2.4ghz band can be used though, and good reception in the city, of up to say 1.5km(because of the interference) distance, even though a RED interfered channel was used then that will be absolutely awesome! We would most definitely not need to be doing any hacks, just manually choose the least red 2.4ghz band channel and that's it! I will be doing more of this experiments with longer and longer distances, and see what results I get. Will the video feed just start to lag and be choppy and a certain point or will other things happen, like control things, like the lil fella starts to descend or something!

Much much fun it is to fly this little GEM though, so no matter what happens in these tests I really love my Mavic Mini very much!

cool cool

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Did anyone try this hack with a CE version MM and get any improvement? im just really confused because someone wrote it cant output more power while others said they got improved signal strenght?

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