MA2 and my first post. Making an RV trip thru the Grand Canyon and Utah in july as of now Need recommendations for legal spots to fly around Zion, lake Powell and monument valley. Understand it is mostly restricted but looking for advice. Thanks in advance!
I believe Monument Valley is closed due to Covid19, however their website doesn't state this. You should call local campgrounds like
KOA or
Gouldings to get the latest info. So you can't drive into the visitors for a while. This could change at any time, but that doesn't restrict you from flying around many of the monuments from the highway, just north of the Utah border like I did. There are 3 or 4 really good spots that I found, but I'm sure there are others. I go straight up to 400' AGL before I fly over any houses that might be in my path, mitigating noise and potential complaints. With the 4+mi range of the
MA2 you should be able to capture some good stuff.
I camped the KOA near the turnoff for Monument Valley. There's a good spot that can be flown to from the campground, 3.5mi away. Since they are closed, this is an option.
There's also Mustang campground. It's not as good as the KOA, no hookups, but from the Utah side of Mustang campground, that's technically outside of the Monument Valley park. Since it's closer (2.7mi) to flyable monuments, that might be an option, since the park is closed. Keep in mind, you're on Navajo land, and it's Navajo law. Flying stealth is very prudent so nobody is offended. The park entrance is posted with no drone zone signs, but it's closed.