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MP waypoints in negative altitude?


Active Member
May 14, 2017
Hi all,

I am wondering if anyone has figured out a way to run a waypoints flight in negative altitude?

What do I mean by that?... well lets say you want to film a waypoints flight down in the Grand Canyon with the pilot & homepoint up on the edge of the canyon, it wont let you go (set a waypoint) below the altitude of the homepoint.

The only way I can think of is to have the homepoint set below the flightpath, but that isnt always possible. The whole point of the drone is to be able to reach places which I cant reach by foot or 4x4.

Which brings me to the only creative way I can think of to circumnavigate this restriction - to fly down to the lowest point and actually land remotely. This should theoretically (never tried) set a new homepoint. I dont like this plan because the MP would return to that remote home point if anything goes wrong :(

Anyone have any experience or ideas? BTW I do have Litchi, but barely use it, and have not even tried its waypoints features..

Landing and changing the altitude should work fine as for HP just fly back to yourself and manually update the HP in the app.

Litchi will allow setting a negative height and will auto adjust height in relation to ground level, it’s the only superior feature of litchi.
Are you thinking you can't set negative way points? I have at least a couple of missions with negative height, but since there is a new feature that allows you to set height above ground level in the mission hub, I just plan my newer missions with that.

When I was new to Litchi, I would click a point of interest in areas I wanted to fly just to see what the ground height was in relation to my starting point. After obtaining the information, I'd delete the point of interest unless I really wanted to use it. With that information, I would have to put in negative height values to keep it at the desired height and to keep it below 400' above ground level. Again, the new feature which allows you to type in a height and tick off the above ground level box in the mission hub defeats all of what I used to do.
I have no need to pre-plan a route. I definitely wouldn't trust the above ground height estimates in the app to be accurate enough. I want to fly manually and set waypoints, and then be able to fly the route while being about the concentrate on the gimbal/camera and not worry about flying.

I dont understand why DJI would block negative altitudes. That stops me from flying off a rooftop or mountain.
I never new that, I've thought I'd like to run a waypoint mission off a mountain. It does sound like a ridiculous restriction, especially as GO4 already restricts you to live waypoint mapping. Maybe they (DJI engineers) just haven't thought of it - feature suggestion?
Do we users have a way to request features? (though this would actually be more like removing a "feature")
I dont understand why DJI would block negative altitudes. That stops me from flying off a rooftop or mountain.
Becasue the waypoints feature in their app is basic anyway, and there are other apps that let you do it.
Landing and changing the altitude should work fine as for HP just fly back to yourself and manually update the HP in the app.

Litchi will allow setting a negative height and will auto adjust height in relation to ground level, it’s the only superior feature of litchi.
not true haha, the pano feature of litchi is FAAAAAAR superieor to dji, it has many many settings that dji has 0 setting,
I have no need to pre-plan a route. I definitely wouldn't trust the above ground height estimates in the app to be accurate enough. I want to fly manually and set waypoints, and then be able to fly the route while being about the concentrate on the gimbal/camera and not worry about flying.

I dont understand why DJI would block negative altitudes. That stops me from flying off a rooftop or mountain.
Are you saying that the waypoint feature in DJI Go won't allow for negative flying or waypoints or are you saying you can't fly at all below your starting point?

This is probably neither here nor there, but I flew about 800' down into the bottom of a copper mine, which of course was negative to my starting point. It was't a waypoint flight, and I used DJI Go.

And again, I have a mission or two in Litchi that is negative below my starting point. After the OP started this thread, I went back to one and changed my waypoints to the above ground level feature instead of just picking my negative height myself since the feature wasn't available when I planned the mission. I haven't flown the mission yet due to high winds, but It can't stay windy forever. But again, you can pick negative heights relative to your starting point in Litchi.
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