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Multiple Simultaneous Mavics


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2017
Rosenberg TX
I was wondering ... if there are multiple Mavics in an area, how does pairing occur between the controller and drone? Is it possible for someone else to take over my Mavic?
Your Mavic is "bound" to your controller, you can't use the RC on another Mavic. Also, frequency hopping is used to ensure controller and Mavic are on the best frequency so it shouldn't clash with nearby Mavics.
The manual states that 3 Mavic can be flown at the same location without problem. Lack of available channels would cause reduced bandwidth, the actual data stream is bound to each controller, so you can't get mavjacked!
It's simply that "in theory" any signal can be jammed, don't think he's implying it's being done.

Jamming the Mavic's signal would also imply jamming every WiFi / Bluetooth / industrial device in a several km radius, so it's unlikely that would ever be done.
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So it blocks WiFi and GPS/Glonass, surely in that case, if there's no WiFi signal and no GPS positioning, how do they make out the drone may RTH, it will have no idea where it is. (thinking about it, if it disables the controller signals for more than a few seconds, I guess it would go into RTH automatically when the gun is switched off, and GPS is re-acquired, but the operator can then regain control of it?) I'd like to see non-promo tests on this thing. As for it working up to 2 km away, you won't see it at 2km to aim the gun. What happens to aircraft that may be flying behind the drone, friendly fire, so to speak. Also, when the drone has landed at your feet do you have to disable it before switching off the gun, otherwise it may re-acquire signal and give control back to the operator. Fascinating....
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Interesting, where did you get that info?
First hand info. At the moment there a several ways to ground drones. Jamming the signals, shooting them down or train a Eagle to pick them out of the sky. All techniques are tested by various civil defences/military and police forces. So has the netherlands trained eagles and dubai jamming equipment.

Sent from my SM-G935F using MavicPilots mobile app
Yes, but as mentioned it is currently illegal even for law enforcement to use them for obvious reasons. Anybody would get into trouble for using such a thing, so while possible and it would likely be used anyway in case of a really serious immediate threat you won't see that used just against a random guy flying his Mavic for fun, which the context is about here.
I was wondering ... if there are multiple Mavics in an area, how does pairing occur between the controller and drone? Is it possible for someone else to take over my Mavic?

DJI Mavic user manual states that no more than 3 Mavics should be flying together at a time.

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DJI Mavic user manual states that no more than 3 Mavics should be flying together at a time.

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Our groups has flown over 5 Mavics simultaneously within 20 feet of each other and no issues.
No way I don't believe it the possible dangers outweigh the feasibility of such a device I imagine in theory it could be done but what agency wants to take the risk of disabling something really important.

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So I worked on a special airport and I can tell you that we did some serious research about how to stop drones. There is plenty of stuff availeble.

Sent from my SM-G935F using MavicPilots mobile app
...frequency hopping is used to ensure controller and Mavic are on the best frequency.

Every time I see or hear the phrase "frequency hopping" I think of Hedy Lamarr (not Hedley).

Hedy Lamarr was instrumental in the development of frequency hopping. The idea was sparked prior to WWII while listening to her Austrian weapons manufacturer husband in discussion with colleagues. She left her husband and ultimately emigrated to the US where she and composer George Antheil developed the technology.

More details if interested:
Hedy Lamarr: Not just a pretty face
Hedy Lamarr - Wikipedia

Keep on learning.
Thanks for your information! Good to know. With a 4 mile radius, I figured that it had to be designed to allow multiple simultaneous in use, but wanted to hear confirmation, which you gave.

As for a "take over" situation, I didn't know how pairing worked, since I would imagine that if I bought a new controller (i.e. a replacement) that it should work without me doing anything special, yes? Next I started to think that if I were to power up the drone before powering my controller, could someone else with a controller Connect to it before I did? Any facts on this?
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