Michael G
Hi Marco. I read with great interest about your unfortunate loss and marveled at the helpful and informative responses it received on this forum. Sadly, I also noted the sarcastic and insensitive replies as well.I already contacted Dji today and they are evaluating my case. Thanks for your informations
I purchased an M2P less than a year ago and have enjoyed it immensely. I have it insured with State Farm so I am able to at least be comforted by the fact that if I do something that causes it to be damaged or lost, I will be compensated. So, I would certainly add my encouragement to get your next drone insured.
This is my first post on this forum. I have always believed that when you know little and have almost no experience with something that you should keep your mouth shut and listen so that you can learn. I try to practice that policy always.
Nevertheless, as a retired former electronics designer and software developer I would like to put my two-cents in regarding your statements suggesting that DJI should 1) not allow a drone to take-off if it doesn't have at least x-number of GPS links, and 2) the drone should allow more time before landing especially when it determines that it is in a NFZ.
Personally, if I were a DJI developer, I would immediately look to implement those suggestions and would urge DJI to push out a drone update incorporating those changes as soon as possible. Those ideas make perfect sense to me, although it's clear that some responders on this forum might not necessarily agree.
Certainly, you should have known that you were in a NFZ before you attempted to fly your drone (you've already admitted that), and certainly you should have handled the sudden emergency more expertly and avoided the loss---Hind-sight is always 20-20. You didn't, and you've admitted all that, and you paid the price for it. And we all feel your pain because I'm sure we've all done things that could have been equally as disastrous.
However, all that does not make your suggestions about improving the behavior of the DJI drone less important or insignificant and I hope your ideas get back to DJI developers and are considered by them to be worthy of implementing in a future update.
Meta4: Thanks for the link to PhantomHelp.com and that amazing breakdown of the flight log. I plan to checkout that site to see if I can learn to create flight log data like that for my own flights. I don't know if I will ever be as good as you are at interpreting that data, but your work was certainly inspiring enough to make me want to try.