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NBC ups the paranoia about peeping drones

I’d like to hope so but drones don’t have a constitutional amendment and a powerful lobby group protecting them.

There’s a lot of people out there that have an irrational fear/anger when it comes to drones.
Until it can be proved that drones are the problem, and not the people flying them, there wont be an issue.
I’d like to hope so but drones don’t have a constitutional amendment and a powerful lobby group protecting them.

There’s a lot of people out there that have an irrational fear/anger when it comes to drones.
The only institution in the US protecting drones is AMA (academy of model aeronautics). They represent us and lobby for our freedom of flying.
Is it just me, or did that phantom sound really quiet? Like they adjusted the sound of it to make it appear more stealthy?
Maybe he had the low noise peeping tom props on it.
People should be scare of peeping methods they can't see or hear like powerful telephoto lenses.
Although I wholeheartedly agree with 99% of what people are saying here, I have to relay a personal story.

One week before I bought my Mavic Pro (and almost a year into the UAS hobby) I was on vacation with my family in Pensacola Florida. All 5 of us (me, wife, 12 yo daughter, 10 yo daughter, and 8 yo son) were on the 15th floor of a beachfront hotel on our balcony looking at the ocean at dusk. Someone else's Mavic Pro flew up to, and about 10 feet in front of, our balcony and pointed right at us.

For us it was fun because I could show my whole family what I was going to be buying next week and they were all fascinated with it. We waved and laughed and the Mavic wiggled for us and then went away. (As a side note, you could CLEARLY hear the Mavic long before it got to our balcony.)

HOWEVER, if it were the balcony of a "non drone" person/couple/family they would have every right to be VERY angry (and probably would be). The "average" person is not going to be delighted to have a stranger taking pictures of them from 10 feet away in their private hotel room/balcony.

Although I agree that the NBC piece was over the top and grossly misrepresented the "stealth" capabilities of the consumer drone, incidents like what I went through show that some folks are not gifted with a strong sense of the private space of others. I doubt that the operator of that Mavic spends much time on this forum, but it's that Mavic owner that leaves the bad taste in the publics mouth. Incidents like the above makes NBC's claims seem reasonable to the average viewer.
Sadly, this is what passes for news In today's world. The media is a tool and this is part of the corporate agenda. Find me a positive article about hobbyists or a negative article about commercial drone use. I can't wait to get my domino's drone delivered $60 ice cold pizza in 20 minutes or less. Or my second heart attack is free.

There's gold in them there skies and hobbyists are just in the way.
Sadly, this is what passes for news In today's world. The media is a tool and this is part of the corporate agenda. Find me a positive article about hobbyists or a negative article about commercial drone use. I can't wait to get my domino's drone delivered $60 ice cold pizza in 20 minutes or less. Or my second heart attack is free.

There's gold in them there skies and hobbyists are just in the way.
The core of the problem today is that people in general have lost their ability (or were never taught) to think critically. This covers all Socio economic strata and political parties. Simply stated, too many people just accept as fact what is being fed to them and those who DO ask questions are vilified as “trouble makers”.
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Until it can be proved that drones are the problem, and not the people flying them, there wont be an issue.

What ablur
Guns are used in worse ways than drones will ever be used. If you can still bear arms after all these years, I bet you’ll be able to bear drones for at least the next 30 years.

...but drones can fire guns. It's much like the introduction perhaps of firearms in general. Its a great equalizer in distribution of power. A single drone per house is sooner then we think.

When all your neighbors also have the abilities we have now, you can start leaving your front door unlocked again. I want all my neighbors droned up and very curious. It's the best security you can... sorta buy. Maybe just start gifting tellos this next holiday.

Million eyes in the sky guys.
Personally I'm more concerned with people peeping through my webcam or phone camera/mic. Most people in developed countries willingly carry around a camera and microphone 24/7 that can be accessed by others wirelessly without notification. Most drones that are commercially available have a wide FoV. Try being a peeping-tom with a 16-24mm lens that sounded like a leaf blower. You'd have to get within a couple dozen feet to see much of anything. I'm not saying personal privacy isn't a concern when it comes to drones I just think that there capabilities are being a bit overblown. I think this is a new type of tool that has a lot of potential to do good. Ideally peeping-toms and dangerous pilots will be charged on already existing laws(invasion of privacy or endangering others' safety) so that there is no reason to create new laws specifically targeted at drone operators when such a small percentage are causing these problems.

Angry swarm of bees is all I have to say to anyone who thinks these are used for spying.
Why use a wanna see something just google it.. I always say when ppl say "spy your neighbor"

Also tell that reported to hold n set those drones right side up..
It was upside down.. lol
Exactly what I was thinking, WHY? There's a whole internet of 'stuff' out there. You don't need to spend a grand or more on a drone to see much worse than some neighbours daughter in their pool.
I have a relative that despises drones. I told her that she could go to the grocery store, bend over to get something, and somebody could snap a pic of your a** and you'd never know it. I see no difference, other than that it flys. Im really not surprised about the story given the source. Ill stop there.
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