Something certainly went wrong, whether you reset the home point or not. In your settings you can reset the HP once the Mavic is already flying either to where the Mavic currently is, or to where you currently are (this works only if your device has GPS but is good if you a moving around a lot). What happened to you was definetly not the HP being reset to the Mavic's location. However as I said above, in the case of "home point me" your device can potentially report the wrong position and think its in a completely random place, resulting in the new HP being set in a random location. However, the real question here is why it randomly decided to reset the HP. Did your device crash just before you hit RTH or anything like that?It did not give me an option and in any event I had not moved an inch from the launch point - so home point and current location would presumably have been the same.. I had certainly been nowhere near the randomly generated home point which was out of the park and 500 yards up the road in someone's front garden. I had a strong gps signal on my mobile phone (Huawei Mate 10 Pro running the most current version of Android).
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