Oh well, i think updating or downgrading firmware is up to drone owners or its pilot, because they all bought a product. We also know that new firmware is not guarantee that you can enjoy your drone like as you usually do with your drone before. Pick an example, let's say smartphones . you can install apple iphone or even android to upgrade their firmwares or os with latest firmware, but you will notice that sometimes your device is being slow and has random issues or even permanent issues after you upgrade. So normally, there should be another option. Format and restore the firmware to stock.

should be available. I'm sure all android device do that, unless dji is a company like apple who developed it's own operating system by themself. Same with the drone, it is electronic product that you all bought it in a different times and it was mass production product which is you also knew "what is the worst scenario of it" anyways. But i saw that dji getting stricts about their drone and i personally think they're wrong. I can agree for limiting max altitude. But not about restricting to go back default firmwares. I love dji assistant when i receive my mavic at the first time because they allowed us to upgrade or downgrade firmwares and we can go back to the stock firmware. As in now, nope i don't like it. It's because I found that my mavic is stable using fw 700 and it's all working good. I also can't make my mavic reset to factory default "literally" to make my mavic new again as i received it before. I can't downgrade to fw 400 because my mavic goes crazy especially the gimbal. And i'm sure not all mavic drone is like my drone. And I can't upgrade to the latest because i just don't wanna ruin my experience with my mavic with all issues that everyone experienced now. I'm sure many people love being update all the time, and also the contrary. Well guys it's your choice. Let's not attack everybody because we can have our own opinion but eventually your own logic will decide what you will do by yourself anyway.