I have both the Spark and the Mavic Pro. The MP is significantly better. However, it is more complicated.
Use the flight simulator in the app to learn to maneuver the MP without worrying about trees, etc...The simulator is valuable, and often over looked.
Look for pre-flight check lists so you can be sure you are starting off on the right foot. An important part of my pre-flight check list is to be sure the IMU signal is excellent, the Compass signal is excellent, and the return to home point has been set. You will want to research these. If you find them within the app you will be digging deep, and will learn a great deal about how the app is structured; especially true when you find them repeatedly.
I recommend the app UAV forecast. This will tell you what the wind speed is at various altitudes. It may seem low on the ground, but could be significantly higher with altitude. It also will tell you the KP index, which when above 4 - don't fly. It could mess with your drones electronics.
Watch youtube videos. I think these are good for beginners
Good introduction to the MP
Will help you sort through accessories, and save your money from hype
Approachable personality
Dan Thomas Media This guy covers all of the flight modes
Once you can navigate the app, and learn to fly the drone well, then these channels will teach you about cinematography
Drone Film Guide
Jeven Dovey
Get out to a wide open field. Start off in Tripod mode (restricted speed), then to Beginner mode (restricted range and altitude), then regular unrestricted GPS mode before advancing to Sport mode.
The MP was a good choice. It's easy to fly, stable, and capable of all you will ever want from a drone. The Spark is a good choice for beginners, but you will quickly out grow it. The MP is a good choice for beginners, and you may never out grow it.
good luck, fly safe, and have fun.