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New pilot from Liverpool UK

Hi, first time flier here. Just got a mavic mini and sat willing the batteries to charge. Does anyone know how long you get on a 64gb micro sd card recording at 2.7k thanks.

2.7K 24-30fps (5.6MB/s) gets you around 3 hours and 10 minutes
Welcome to Mavic Pilots .
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching . :)
Welcome to Mavic Pilots! :) Enjoy the forum!Thumbswayup
Welcome to the forum! :)
Welcome to the forum. I also fly a MM and have enjoyed many flights. You will find plenty of support and assistance here in the forum. We look forward to seeing your part of the world.
Hi, first time flier here. Just got a mavic mini and sat willing the batteries to charge. Does anyone know how long you get on a 64gb micro sd card recording at 2.7k thanks.
Welcome to Mavic Pilots from Dayton Ohio USA! Enjoy your new Mavic Mini, Fly safe and have fun!
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