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NO INTERNET, NO CELL, middle of the ocean... Intelligent Flight modes work?


Nov 30, 2018
My title says it all. I've been spoiled, flying for several years - always with a hotspot on my phone. (US) Project coming up, needing intelligent flight modes, but no internet, and no cell service. Will intelligent flight modes (ex. active track 2 following moving object) work? And, what am I seeing on the screen? What the camera sees, of course, but no map, correct? Radar window will still function properly, I presume. And, still have options for setting home point as I wish? Thank you.
There are some functions that require cellular coverage to work, but all the core functionality including RTH and intelligent flight modes will work just fine without it. I frequently fly with my phone in flightmode (so no Bluetooth or WiFi either) to avoid roaming costs and have not had any problems.

Theoretically, you don't even need GPS, although that does have much more of an impact on flight functionaility, which does include including RTH and intelligent flight modes. Not tested the active track modes, but I suspect they'd work just fine since they're more a function of image processing than GPS.
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If your a android user you can still have maps if your device is offline. The android version of dji go 4 has a "save maps offline function" that allows you save an region map prior to traveling there. It's very similar to Google maps offline feature. I always fly my drone with my phone in flight mode.
You don't need mobile phone or internet connection for any intelligent flight modes .. or much else.
You won't have maps .. but if you did, they wouldn't show anything anyway.
Out at sea the radar display would be much more useful than maps anyway.
Very True, out to sea is a different animal all together. But I figure if you able to have (maps) why not , if something goes wrong it might at least with the GPS coordinate give you better idea where your drone might have crashed in relation to you than just the radar.
Out at sea the radar display would be much more useful than maps anyway.
Very True, out to sea is a different animal all together. But I figure if you able to have (maps) why not , if something goes wrong it might at least with the GPS coordinate give you better idea where your drone might have crashed in relation to you than just the radar.
If you want GPS coordinates, you get those from the flight data .. but they aren't much use if you were to go down at sea anyway.
How would a map in the middle of the ocean help. Fly it like the blank map is blue DONE!
Well we don't know exactly where this person going be flying, I would think at some point when you fly out sea and come back shore you might film near coast or harbor, we don't know where this person flying if he will have cell signal even close to the shore, or if he in another country without roaming etc. My post focused on user saying there is no maps without signal, I just thought I would add on android there is an option. I didn't mean offend frequent out sea fliers with my "bad advice" :) But hey whatever works for you guys. :)
How would a map in the middle of the ocean help. Fly it like the blank map is blue DONE!
Yep they will all still work. I fly in remote areas of Alaska all the time with zero connection to internet or cellular service. So long as you can get GPS you’ll be fine. I’ve found a few places far enough north that I was able to get GPS and so that was all manual flying. Have fun and fly safe
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So if I layout a mission in Litchi on my iPad mini 4, which does not have cellular (WiFi only), it will fly my mission alright? The other day I couldn’t get the mission to go and I’m still trying to figure out why.
So if I layout a mission in Litchi on my iPad mini 4, which does not have cellular (WiFi only), it will fly my mission alright? The other day I couldn’t get the mission to go and I’m still trying to figure out why.
Your drone has a perfectly good GPS receiver and that's the only one it needs to fly a Litchi mission.
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