it appears all but impossible to fly a drone here.
I have many friends and customers in North Carlina. The newly enacted laws are quite restrictive and daunting to read, but it's not impossible to fly there. It would be difficult to publish any footage publicly without getting permission of all parties involved, but since you are on a vacation, you might just want to keep the footage to yourself and not try to monetize it in any way. That would avoid the 107 requirement.
(b) General Prohibitions. – Except as otherwise provided in this section, no person, entity, or State agency shall use an unmanned aircraft system to do any of the following: (1) Conduct surveillance of: a. A person or a dwelling occupied by a person and that dwelling's curtilage without the person's consent. b. Private real property without the consent of the owner, easement holder, or lessee of the property. (2) Photograph an individual, without the individual's consent, for the purpose of publishing or otherwise publicly disseminating the photograph. This subdivision shall not apply to newsgathering, newsworthy events, or events or places to which the general public is invited.
I think that if you are not "conducting surveillance," that would eliminate most of #1. As long as you are just flying around and not going to publish the footage, I would think that you should be ok. As for #2, as long as your arent selling it, you can photograph individuals.
I think that as long as you stay well above peoples property and are respectful to the homeowners, you wont hear many complaints.
You can possibly fly in any park you wish, as long as you get approval first. If not, then you can overfly it.
According to the NC DOT, "As drones, also known as Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), become more common, North Carolina’s laws are changing to stay up-to-date with this fast-growing industry.” NC is not only trying to stay up to date, but they are enacting laws not yet passed by the overwhelming majority of states.
Edit: The interpretation of the term, "conducting surveillance" does leave alot of wiggle room. The local police, DOT or government officials could at the very least ask you to land until you are able to prove to them that you were just taking random shots and not surveilling, and you arent bothering anyone because you were flying well above anyones property.