So is there a 5 in 1 charger out that will meet safe specs that I don't have to do any aftermarket modifications to anyone knows about or maybe has one and works great that can send me a link so I can purchase one. I'm not too good aftermarket modifications would just like to order one and goWell I ended up with the 5 in 1 off amazon. I connected the ground to the board and to the outer housing. Replaced the outlet cord with a 3 wire one. Also added my own shutoff switch.
Switch was 1.99 and 3 foot 3 wire cord was 3.95. Few inches of wire and solder I had already. Took atleast 1 hour of playing around with it.
I decided on no fuse but gave it a good look. Looking how the board slides into the chassis there is no reason for me to place plastic or anything else between the board and chassis.
Correy Miller