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Our future with drones?


Jan 25, 2017
As someone who is creating a service that requires the use of drones, I find myself creating a future that makes drones ubiquitous. I'm not sure if its just me living in fantasy land or a drone geek that really wants this to be a part of our daily lives. Sanity check?
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I believe drones are already a big part of our lives, be it for work or play. With new Tect coming out with drones, I think we are just scratching the surface. DJI has already done some amazing things in the drone industry and are still improving IOM.
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Right now we are flying the Model T Fords of drones, with just as much amazement, fear and wonder that folks from that.era had toward the newly created automobile Just give the big boys - and this time around the big girls, too - in research and development some time. Before too long the Corvette's, Porsche's and even Lamborghini's of drones will be a reality.

One of those things that makes you wish you were immortal just so you can see what's waiting around the corner in the future.
You couldn't imagine flying drones 15-20 years ago. I remember watching a news segment back in the early-mid 2000's about college students making drones and testing them. Never knew it would get to the point they are at now. I always wanted an aerial photography platform but never knew about drones till later.
Before I received my Mavic, I used to point out to my wife whenever we watched tv and I saw something filmed by drones. It's funny cuz now she points stuff out to me. You see a lot of drone footage on nature networks like Natgeo and Animal Planet.
Problem nowadays isn't development, it's regulation.
I agree with this 100%. Although we currently have "limited" freedom to fly when and where we wish, I see this dramatically changing in the not so distant future when drones use will become so much more regulated resulting in many grounded quads. Although I love to fly, I know this will soon come to an end for many, at least here in the US. I hope I'm wrong however, the more quads that are sold, especially those ending up in the hands of people that have nothing better to do than either cause trouble or be a nuisance to others, the quicker our freedom to fly will be taken away.
I think there will be more regulations - certainly. My hope though is that these regulations come with a path to more "freedom" in the way of additional endorsements for 107 certificate holders that allows night flight, flight without VLOS, flights over people etc.. Unfortunately this will all probably further restrict the casual hobbyist but for someone who wants to take the time to get trained will allow for much more interesting stuff. It will be much more like flying regular aircraft.
I see this dramatically changing in the not so distant future when drones use will become so much more regulated resulting in many grounded quads.
I honestly hope not. Didn't India have issues regulating their use so they put a ban on them (until they can figure out how to properly regulate). Don't get me wrong, yes there are going to be stupid people who do stupid things, but let's be realistic here, the demand is there and this is what people want. Surely there are enough intelligent individuals running our government and its agencies that can find a solution?
There are also many people who have been doing things for years or even decades that drones may or do put in jeopardy, whether economically or more importantly in terms of safety. They will be fighting hard to keep their place, and having been established for so long both in their activity and in direct contact with the regulating bodies they've got a serious advantage over the "new kids with their fancy stuff".
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There are also many people who have been doing things for years or even decades that drones may or do put in jeopardy, whether economically or more importantly in terms of safety. They will be fighting hard to keep their place, and having been established for so long both in their activity and in direct contact with the regulating bodies they've got a serious advantage over the "new kids with their fancy stuff".
Im not going to disagree with that, BUT shouldn't we try and encourage its use and help people find ways to adapt to it (jobs, etc) instead of remaining the same because it's easy? I mean think about it, the world and technology is constantly evolving whether we like it or not, shouldn't we be ready and embrace it?
Look, I was once that dude that thought that any drone over my property infringes upon my castle and I will shoot it down. I've been to gun shows - yes. There is certain non-lethal ammo specifically engineered to take out a drone with minimal, if any, collateral damage. Am a registered Republican, voted for Trump. Fiercely private. Family man. Bought my first drone in January - DJI 3 Standard. Amazed by perspective and performance of it. Beautiful video to a 'new' perspective. Loved it, let my friend use it - crashed. Researched and upgraded to the Mavic. Never looked back.
My view has significantly changed. I educated myself and found a new hobby.
We need to educate others before we find that our hobby is outlawed. Is there an awareness group anywhere?
Look, I was once that dude that thought that any drone over my property infringes upon my castle and I will shoot it down. I've been to gun shows - yes. There is certain non-lethal ammo specifically engineered to take out a drone with minimal, if any, collateral damage. Am a registered Republican, voted for Trump. Fiercely private. Family man. Bought my first drone in January - DJI 3 Standard. Amazed by perspective and performance of it. Beautiful video to a 'new' perspective. Loved it, let my friend use it - crashed. Researched and upgraded to the Mavic. Never looked back.
My view has significantly changed. I educated myself and found a new hobby.
We need to educate others before we find that our hobby is outlawed. Is there an awareness group anywhere?

I feel like I know so much about you now, lol. I'm not sure about any awareness groups, but I will be on the lookout. If I come across one, I will be sure to shoot any pertinent information your way.
Look, I was once that dude that thought that any drone over my property infringes upon my castle and I will shoot it down. I've been to gun shows - yes. There is certain non-lethal ammo specifically engineered to take out a drone with minimal, if any, collateral damage. Am a registered Republican, voted for Trump. Fiercely private. Family man. Bought my first drone in January - DJI 3 Standard. Amazed by perspective and performance of it. Beautiful video to a 'new' perspective. Loved it, let my friend use it - crashed. Researched and upgraded to the Mavic. Never looked back.
My view has significantly changed. I educated myself and found a new hobby.
We need to educate others before we find that our hobby is outlawed. Is there an awareness group anywhere?
Here's something I came across that may help you find what you are looking for:
Programs, Partnerships and Opportunities
Im not going to disagree with that, BUT shouldn't we try and encourage its use and help people find ways to adapt to it (jobs, etc) instead of remaining the same because it's easy? I mean think about it, the world and technology is constantly evolving whether we like it or not, shouldn't we be ready and embrace it?

Yes and no. Sure that's what usually ends up happening at the "large scale" level, but at the individual level it's much more problematic. People have things they like, have built their life/career around it, potentionally made huge investments. Many will not want to give up their investment, lose the ability to do the job they love, and/or may not be interested in whatever's replacing it for them to be willing to change careers.

It seems you love drones, so just imagine that you're all hyped and motivated to do tons of cool things with them, start one or more businesses around them, invest millions, that's become all your life... and in 15 years someone comes up with something new that doesn't interest you but is going to make your stuff and passion redundant...

New fields are always cool for those in front of the curve, it's new jobs for a few who didn't have one or are very flexible, but it's also a mandatory change for so many other people (probably the majority of standard population) who were perfectly happy with things as they were, didn't ask for anything, and may not have the desire or ability to adapt.
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Yes and no. Sure that's what usually ends up happening at the "large scale" level, but at the individual level it's much more problematic. People have things they like, have built their life/career around it, potentionally made huge investments. Many will not want to give up their investment, lose the ability to do the job they love, and/or may not be interested in whatever's replacing it for them to be willing to change careers.

It seems you love drones, so just imagine that you're all hyped and motivated to do tons of cool things with them, start one or more businesses around them, invest millions, that's become all your life... and in 15 years someone comes up with something new that doesn't interest you but is going to make your stuff and passion redundant...

New fields are always cool for those in front of the curve, it's new jobs for a few who didn't have one or are very flexible, but it's also a mandatory change for so many other people (probably the majority of standard population) who were perfectly happy with things as they were, didn't ask for anything, and may not have the desire or ability to adapt.
Good analysis and well written. I'm sure that as technology advances there will be something else and then something else and then something else. I'm going to hold on to drones for as long as I can lol.
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