@karlblessing , I'm not an expert on DNG container format. I'd suggest removing the JPG from the container if you know how, then open it in Adobe and see what happens. Also would be interesting to see this opened in the other apps too.
In my attempt to do just that, I used the Adobe DNG converter to convert them with no preview at all. The problem still gets reproduced in ACR/LR/Photoshop (but not On1 Camera Raw 2021 Trial).
The converted DNG size is basically the same if you opened the unaffected DNG in adobe camera raw and and told it to rebuild a preview (ie: medium with fast load data) and you end up with a 13MB DNG file that is just the main raw data (and a small bump of a medium preview).
It'd be easy to just say it's Adobe's problem, but their single shot and AEB DNG raw files do not exhibit the problem, and the only difference between those modes and Pano mode is that the accompanying Jpeg files are a smaller 3Megapixel size, and in some viewers (such as IrFanview) it's confusing the actual size of the raw file with that of the embedded small jpeg preview.
I'd speculate that if DJI did either of the following, the problem would go away :
* Either they do not reduce the Jpeg size for panos and capture them the same way Single/AEB photos are captured (But can impact the way the in-app stitching works especially on lower memory devices, as well as being too large for Class 10 SD cards to save quickly enough, but Jpeg+Raw would be too big to begin with for Class 10).
* Provide the option to save Raw-Only (forfeiting of course any in-app processing), especially since it's already embedding a large jpeg anyways. Though I don't understand why they're embedding a full resolution jpeg when they're forcing you to save a separate full resolution jpeg file already. But least with Raw only, with the preference of no embeded or a small high compression embed, it'd be a lot easier on the card and less likely to have this issue.
As you'll notice from earlier screenshot, they tried to blame it on Adobe Camera Raw (Which is always opened to import raw into photoshop), and saying that should use Photoshop instead, and that it doesn't show the problem, but I can clearly see the problem in the screenshots they provided.
So I'm hoping someone a bit more technical on their team will take a look at it from there.