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Please help with Litchi Hub/ Google Earth Pro

No - there are not. The relative altitudes are calculated using the DEM, but the altitudes transmitted to the aircraft are still relative to the takeoff point.

Go ahead and inspect the code inside the KML....

Litchi Mission appears to outputs RAW coordinates and elevation based each POI's calculated reference to sea-level. Each POI & WP is independent of the start position. The KML has the same value if referenced to ground or pre-established takeoff location. All the same.

If you can you provide any code which supports your position, would be helpful....

Go ahead and inspect the code inside the KML....

Litchi Mission appears to outputs RAW coordinates and elevation based each POI's calculated reference to sea-level. Each POI & WP is independent of the start position. The KML has the same value if referenced to ground or pre-established takeoff location. All the same.

If you can you provide any code which supports your position, would be helpful....

View attachment 70917

That's the exported file, not the profile that is uploaded to the aircraft. The aircraft cannot interpret and has no use for absolute altitudes.
This is an example of the waypoint data uploaded to the aircraft. It contains lat/long and altitude relative to the takeoff location.

141.580 : 11408 5: Llh(0.73953679,-1.24806096,82.00) D:77.33
141.580 : 11408 6: Llh(0.73949616,-1.24810904,52.00) D:24.00
141.580 : 11408 7: Llh(0.73949213,-1.24811492,19.00) D:6.00
141.580 : 11408 8: Llh(0.73948502,-1.24812664,19.00) D:28.00
141.582 : 11408 9: Llh(0.73948028,-1.24813245,20.47) D:11.00
That's the exported file, not the profile that is uploaded to the aircraft. The aircraft cannot interpret and has no use for absolute altitudes.

Oh, I thought this thread was about “Litchi Hub & Google Earth Pro”. Just keepin on topic
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Oh, I thought this thread was about “Litchi Hub & Google Earth Pro”. Just keepin on topic

It was, but the comment was made above:

Im hopeing it's a server glitch , more scary to have their servers feeding bad elevation data lol

I was just pointing that while that might affect virtualization of the flight, at least it would not cause any actual flight problems that were not obvious in the waypoint settings. I probably should have clarified that.
It was, but the comment was made above:

I was just pointing that while that might affect virtualization of the flight, at least it would not cause any actual flight problems that were not obvious in the waypoint settings. I probably should have clarified that.

I appreciate you sharing the flight coord info. I’ve never studied that side of flight. But you’re correct about the incremental coordinates for the drone.

I’ll need to switch from my SC to play around, but all very interesting.

Are flight logs stored both incremental and absolute?

I really like the incremental system, makes moving a flight plan from one location to another much easier.

Happy Flying...
I appreciate you sharing the flight coord info. I’ve never studied that side of flight. But you’re correct about the incremental coordinates for the drone.

I’ll need to switch from my SC to play around, but all very interesting.

Are flight logs stored both incremental and absolute?

I really like the incremental system, makes moving a flight plan from one location to another much easier.

Happy Flying...

The lat/long coordinates are absolute while the height is relative to the takeoff point, so technically not incremental - that would be relative to the previous waypoint.

The flight logs contain both relative and absolute data derived from several sources, but no incremental data.
Ok real simple. i have used this in the past with no problems. maybe a month ago was the last time.

Now when i go into earth, make a simple mission, export as KML, import to litchiHub, make small tweaks and then export as a CSV to view in Earth my elevations go up thousands of feet? exporting as a 3d path it looks fine!?

attached are a few screen shots.
View attachment 70790

View attachment 70785View attachment 70787View attachment 70788View attachment 70789
I have the same issue recently, have you solved the issue? Please share with us, thanks much! Rex
I think from your description I had this same problem. After trouble shooting it with some on the Litchi Missions thread with no luck, I tracked it down to a glitch in Google Earth. It was not happening on my lap top but on my desk top the altitudes in missions showed thousands of feet higher than they were set up to be. I could pull a mission from the file on one computer and it was fine. On the desk top is was messed up. I finally uninstalled Google Earth, went through the Registry on Windows and removed all references to GE and then reinstalled it. The problem went away.
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So after downloading Virtual Litchi Mission and removing the chrome extension it renders the VLM in Earth Pro perfectly. Turned the extension back on and back to the same issue.

so the Extension is currently the problem..

@Aerial-Pixel, Were you able to take a peek and see if yours is messing up also?
It was a bug in chrome extension, it is fixed now.
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I have published new version with separate menu item for chrome extension, so it is not breaking VLM now.
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