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Please no, not another misaligned main sensor


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2018
With my previous 2 Mavic 3's I had a not straight mounted base 1x hassel camera. That manifested itself in some blurry/double details all the way around the corners of the camera. Both times, DJI replaced the drone with a new one.
Only the third and last one I had was good and sharp enough all over the picture.

Now with the Mavic 3Pro I see the same symptoms, but with out of focus areas next to the center of the photo (right). Although the first days it seemed sharp everywhere, it now also seems to suffer from blurry parts and that is quite disturbing when photographing real estate / cities / villages. Some of the houses in the middle are razor sharp, really really good...

It is also only the case with the hasselblad cam. I usually shoot at f2.8, could that be the reason? Haven't tested at f4+ yet..... Will see if I can post a raw photo here.
Does anyone have a village overview with a DNG format available so we can compare if it matches or if mine is different?

Thank you very much in advance.
With my previous 2 Mavic 3's I had a not straight mounted base 1x hassel camera. That manifested itself in some blurry/double details all the way around the corners of the camera. Both times, DJI replaced the drone with a new one.
Only the third and last one I had was good and sharp enough all over the picture.

Now with the Mavic 3Pro I see the same symptoms, but with out of focus areas next to the center of the photo (right). Although the first days it seemed sharp everywhere, it now also seems to suffer from blurry parts and that is quite disturbing when photographing real estate / cities / villages. Some of the houses in the middle are razor sharp, really really good...

It is also only the case with the hasselblad cam. I usually shoot at f2.8, could that be the reason? Haven't tested at f4+ yet..... Will see if I can post a raw photo here.
Does anyone have a village overview with a DNG format available so we can compare if it matches or if mine is different?

Thank you very much in advance.
I would try at a slower f-stop, the faster the f-stop, the narrower the field of view. Centres are sharp but quality falls off along the edges.
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With my previous 2 Mavic 3's I had a not straight mounted base 1x hassel camera. That manifested itself in some blurry/double details all the way around the corners of the camera. Both times, DJI replaced the drone with a new one.
Only the third and last one I had was good and sharp enough all over the picture.

Now with the Mavic 3Pro I see the same symptoms, but with out of focus areas next to the center of the photo (right). Although the first days it seemed sharp everywhere, it now also seems to suffer from blurry parts and that is quite disturbing when photographing real estate / cities / villages. Some of the houses in the middle are razor sharp, really really good...

It is also only the case with the hasselblad cam. I usually shoot at f2.8, could that be the reason? Haven't tested at f4+ yet..... Will see if I can post a raw photo here.
Does anyone have a village overview with a DNG format available so we can compare if it matches or if mine is different?

Thank you very much in advance.
That is disappointing indeed. Stopping down the lens to f5.6 should improve somewhat the sharpness but if the sharpness uniformity at f2.8 is as bad as you describe I would return the drone and ask for a replacement (another brand new) unit. I shared on M3 forum my woeful journey with M3 purchase, going through 4 units before getting a reasonably good one. All previous three suffered from similar issues as yours. Blurry double vision zones left and right off the centre, terribly soft one side or another near the edge etc. I have not bought M3P as yet but after reading your post I am reluctant to even consider ordering one... The manufacturing QC has obviously not improved with M3P production by the sound of it so getting a good one remains a matter of good luck rather than a norm. A sad state of affairs, really🥴
Have the same issues. M3P ordered on 18th May. Blurry strip in the centre slightly to the right. F stop doesnt affect that blurry strip at all it makes whole image softer. As far as my M2P stopped down to f.5 resulted in better sharpness, M3P is the best at f2.8 and gradually worse when stopped down. Anyway... after 2 days of battle with DJI Support and advised that this is normal with guidelines how focus plane works ( wtf ) I was finally advised to send the drone for replacement/repair. Unfortunatelly the unit shipped on Monday, is delayed by UPS to this day.
So bad to hear these things. How is it possible. You will say that they have to learn from the Mavic 3 misaligned sensor. :-(
If exactly the same issue returns on mavic 3 pro there is something not right in QC inside DJI.
By their own admission the 1x "Hassy" camera is the same on M3P as it was on M3. When the M3P was released I was hoping that the 1x camera lens would be also upgraded to something more suited for the relatively large M43 sensor. Unfortunatelly this is was not to be and this so called "Pro" drone which is probably the last iteration of Mavic 3 shares the same, what is IMHO a completely inadequate lens for the sensor size. Add to it the abysmal QC at DJI and this is the result. As I said, you might get lucky and with all the digital lens distortion correction (Manufacturer lens profile) applied the IQ of photos from your unit might be acceptable. For that to happen thought the lens needs to first "turn out ok"(assembled precisely from lens elements without obvious optical flaws), and second lens and sensor need to be properly alligned. Given the size of the lens and the fact that its image circle does not even cover the entire sensor there is very little room to play. That is likely the reason for the IQ variation between these units which are churned out seemingly without any final testing for IQ.
Good luck on your quest to get a good unit. The road to get there might be frustrating, long and bumpy 😬
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Have the same issues. M3P ordered on 18th May. Blurry strip in the centre slightly to the right. F stop doesnt affect that blurry strip at all it makes whole image softer. As far as my M2P stopped down to f.5 resulted in better sharpness, M3P is the best at f2.8 and gradually worse when stopped down. Anyway... after 2 days of battle with DJI Support and advised that this is normal with guidelines how focus plane works ( wtf ) I was finally advised to send the drone for replacement/repair. Unfortunatelly the unit shipped on Monday, is delayed by UPS to this day.
I would argue that even though the central sharpness is excellent at f2.8 the sharpness uniformity somewhat improves when this lens is stopped down a bit. For me the best sharpness across the entire frame is at somewhere around f4.5.
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I would argue that even though the central sharpness is excellent at f2.8 the sharpness uniformity somewhat improves when this lens is stopped down a bit. For me the best sharpness across the entire frame is at somewhere around f4.5.
That was not the case in my unit. Anything above f2.8 which was extremely sharp except blurry strip in the middle, was soft, and progressed to be more soft when stopping down even more. I was suprised myself when I discovered this when taking sample shots for DJI Support. Which actually shows how variable the camera units can be.
That was not the case in my unit. Anything above f2.8 which was extremely sharp except blurry strip in the middle, was soft, and progressed to be more soft when stopping down even more. I was suprised myself when I discovered this when taking sample shots for DJI Support. Which actually shows how variable the camera units can be.
That is very anusual and it probably points to other issues your lens had.
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This is not my first rodeo with similar issues. First generation Mavic 1/3 frame was soft from right side ( replaced ), First Air had a soft circle in bottom left side of the frame ( fly away case with this one so no replacement ), Inspire 2 or rather X5s had a soft left side ( gimbal replaced twiced as first replacement was lost by UPS ). I could write a book about this :)
Well, we are 3 Mavic 3 pro's further, but now i got one with a SHARP image. Last two has blurry spots. DJI service center replaced it two times and the thirth one looks sharper and better.
So for anyone who also have blur spots on the photos -> replace it !
You will be satisfied when you get a good one.
Well, we are 3 Mavic 3 pro's further, but now i got one with a SHARP image. Last two has blurry spots. DJI service center replaced it two times and the thirth one looks sharper and better.
So for anyone who also have blur spots on the photos -> replace it !
You will be satisfied when you get a good one.
Im actually on my 2nd replacement and DJI sent me samples from the unit that should go to me this week. Same issue on the 2nd replacement. Waiting for their responce now.
What kind of samples?
DJI opened a new drone and took a flight test. They send me few images from that unit but this time blurry spot is slightly in a different place, but at the rule of thirds mark all the time.
Im attaching image where I had these blurry areas.


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DJI opened a new drone and took a flight test. They send me few images from that unit but this time blurry spot is slightly in a different place, but at the rule of thirds mark all the time.
Im attaching image where I had these blurry areas.
That's terrible. My first M3Pro has little blur on the right of the center, the other one has it on the whole bottom. The third a little, little bit on the right top but it is ok enough for me to stick with it.
How did you check the image, if there are any blurred zones? Just with an aerial photo?
That's terrible. My first M3Pro has little blur on the right of the center, the other one has it on the whole bottom. The third a little, little bit on the right top but it is ok enough for me to stick with it.
How did you check the image, if there are any blurred zones? Just with an aerial photo?
How were the other two cameras on all those "bad" drones you guys sent back? Also with various lens issues or pretty spot on ?
Other 2 tele cameras were good, and sharp in the full frame. But the hasselblad is always an issue camera, also on the classic and also on the regular Mavic 3... I dont know why. Got a lot of other drones and also my current mavic 3 enterprise thermal and mini 3 pro are sharp across the whole frame. So the 4/3" is just a problematic one.
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