My payment cleared immediately with PayPal and I've even confirmed with DJi that the payment cleared on October 5th. I also ordered the Basic but I have seen Basic orders from October 7th ship. I know complaining about it doesn't help anything but it is frustrating beyond belief to have no communication from them and no way of getting any answers. It's basically a big F-you from DJi to take payment 2 months ago and have no responsibility to the customer to answer their questions about the status of their order. I was active on this forum about a month ago and had to take a hiatus so that I would stop refreshing my order page. It's like crack and I couldn't stay away. lol
I know, no company should do that, they have peoples money (including mine) on hold since 2 months ago, this is not professional at all.
I'm studying here in the States and I go back to Spain for the break in a week and a half. I was planning to practice my flying there since, here in the city, there are no places nearby where I cannot cause any damage. I'm just hoping for a Christmas miracle for it to arrive before that.