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Michael Ainsworth

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2017
Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
How many operators rely on the radar on your screen.
If you lose visual or video can you still fly from the Radar screen?
There have been previous reports of operators becoming confused regarding where the Drone is and flying in a different direction.
Is this a feature that is not used by operators as a regular Thing?
I always use the radar to determine which direction my Mavic is facing when I'm unsure. It's an invaluable feature.
I think the Radar function is extremely useful and everyone should learn how to use it
Thumbs up on radar. It's a definite hit!
I still consider myself a newbie and trying to get comfortable flying distances but like others, I use it to point the way home. I have a pilot license with a couple thousand hour of flight time and used pointers and needles all the time. It's amazing though, even with all that flying time, i feel uneasy when the Mavic is at a distance where it starts getting hard to see. I thank, as I fly more, all the various tools will become more familiar and second nature to use.
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I am really resisting letting go of the concept of knowing where the bird is, in my own visual field. It doesn't feel right, at a gut level. I'm glad someone else, perhaps, feels the same way!

My worst scenario is that a helicopter will come in low when the Mavic is a km or two away and I won't know which way to go - up down, left, right to avoid it! If I thought I was going to hit a manned vehicle, I'd go sticks in and drop it in the drink, rather than risk a crash! But how can I even make that decision, even with VLOS a couple of KM away?

I know that most of the other flyers don't give that a second thought, but it's always on my mind.
Never use the radar. I either use the visual from the Mavic camera or the map and orange line. If I don't know where the Mavic is, I use the map to turn it down home and follow that orange line.
Ah, okay. I am complete Rookie to the Mavic and the accompanying software - got it like 3 days ago. I am on iOS, and on my map view I just have the Home, Drone and Controller (Me) icons on there. I didn't see any lines when I was flying and went full screen on map, but (a) my eyes are getting bad, and (b) probably some setting I didn't see or enable. I'll look again for that, because that would feature would definitely be helpful to me.

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Never used the radar. Being a pilot for fun and a long time truck driver for money, I'm already adept at dead reckoning (path integration) and landmark navigation. I make enough mental notes about my flight path to get back from the video feed alone. Absent that, the map is #2 on my list. Even removing the phone entirely, I can navigate BLOS using my existing knowledge of the terrain coupled with just the text on the RC to get pretty darn close to wherever I need to be.

Practice practice practice...even when you're not flying, and the skills will become second nature.
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I need to read these before I send I meant drone not gun and I don't know where headache came from sorry about that. Talking to the phone doesn't always work.
Don't mean to sound stupid but what is the radar

You have a map in the corner of your display screen and if you hit the minimize tab on the map it switches to a smaller RADAR image of the Mavics position in relation to home . You may also have to have radar selected in the setup menu , I can't remember right offhand .
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