Sunrise Rancho Santa Margarita today ( 11/17/2018)
Sunset Rancho Santa Margarita
Having shot stills from a conventional camera, I can't get enough of the top down shots!
First adventure over the ocean. San Diego
Thanks. Looking at my photo history it is notable that many of my favorite shots are taken from above but without a drone. This has been a favorite shooting style although from cliff sides, high rise buildings, etc. I posted links instead of embedding because they are not drone shots.
This one almost killed me, leaning over a cliff - makes a crashed drone look attractive. Solitary Sunset
This photo was post processed using a selective simulated blur to cause the photo to appear to look like a diorama. This photo is old, before the technique became so popular. Like many trendy things, I think it may have peaked and ebbed as a trend. Once again becoming more unique a treatment. Little La Jolla