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Refreshed Mavic - FAA Registration...


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2017
I just got back my unit from a DJI Refresh on my Mavic. Wondering if anyone knows:

  1. Do I just need to do another / new registration for this one? Or can I exchange the S/N for the old one? (I see no way to do that, so I think I know the answer.)

  2. Browsing their web site, I see that they say we need to have the Registration Certification Certificate with us when we fly. I don't remember getting anything from them in the mail, nor can I find one where I would lexpect to have saved it. Can someone enlighten me on this process (what form does it come in? Was I supposed to download it?) I see that I can order a replacement if I need and wait for it in the mail. I presume I need to do that.

  3. The reference an N-Number in their documents. I have no idea what that is, and when I look at my inventory online, there is no column titled N-Number. What is that?

I appreciate your help.
All Part 107 drones need to have the serial number match the registration number on file. The FAA doesn't let you modify your serial number after you register. For hobby you can mark all your drones with the same registration number. Part 107 drones each need their own registration number... So bottom line, yes for Part 107, you would have to register the new drone if it has a different serial number.
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Looking on my inventory page I see an option to cancel the old one. I suspect it would be wise to do that too.

Thanks for the input guys.
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