We were posting at the same time here. You state it is the owner and not the drone who is registered. What is your support for that assertion? The duty to register only occurs when purchase a drone (that you will fly), not when you merely fly one. If you were registering the person, the duty would not be not only on drone purchasers/owners, but on all drone flyers, and that is not what the FAA says, and not with the AMA says. Just because your name is on it does not mean you are being registered.
Again I will return to the car analogy, which one person here keeps criticizing as though it were not on point. I have my mother's last car. She is too old to drive it. She bought it and registered it in her name. I drive it regularly (with her permission, of course). I do not have to register it in my name. If it's found abandoned at the scene of an accident, the police will come to her, and she will tell them who had her car, and they will come question me. They will go to her because it is registered in her name.
Similarly, you are registering the drone. It's not as precise as registering a car because they have not developed the equivalent of VIN numbers for drones. But you must put your FAA number on all of your drones. As a car driver, even when driving someone else's car, you must have your own driver's license (as well as the registered owner's registration). As a recreational drown user, you do not have to have a license to fly a drone. You only have to have a copy of the registration that shows the drone is registered (and the number, the equivalent of a license tag on a car, must be on the drone you are flying).
I've seen your name mentioned in these forums many times, so I'm more than willing to listen to what you have to say. If I am wrong about this, please explain why.