Well-Known Member
Sometimes it's worthwhile to force the issue to a head, if for no other reason than to gain clarity. Nobody wants to be first, usually, but it may help with setting the precedent one way or the other.As I mentioned previously, I live only a few kilometers from Rouge Urban Park......before it was created, I used to fly quite a bit in that area. That is why after the park formation I asked one of the park officials while hiking one of the trails about drones......simple answer, no flying. I didn't ask about taking off from a public local roadway.
If you look at a map of that area, the proposed (50 years ago) Pickering Airport lands abut the Rouge Urban lands quite a bit. I do fly in that area as it is either woodland or farmland and dirt roads. One day while flying, a pickup truck pulled up to me on a dead end road, and proceeded to ask me what I was doing.....I said wait a minute I need to land. Net of it all, the individual works for the property management company that "patrols" the proposed airport lands and said I could not fly in the area.
When I asked why he thought so, he said it is "private property".....I said the Pickering roads of which I was on one of them are open to the public. He said I was mistaken.
So, I contacted Transport Canada who sent me to NavCanada, who said the GPS coordinates I sent them did not preclude from flying in that area. Bumped into the property management rep again when not flying, had the NavCanada discussion and he stuck to his position that they are "private roads", although not marked as such. I said I was going to talk to the City of Pickering and a City rep confirmed they are public roadways.
Soooo, when the warm spring weather arrives, I will be back out there and if the property management guy approaches me again, I will give him my side of the research and discussions, and if he wants to press the matter, I will suggest we call a LEO to arbitrate. I have my hobby drone license and the most recent Transport Canada accreditation, and the communications from the assorted affiliated agencies.
I guess there comes a point when I get tired of blind assertions with no supporting evidence. Besides, there next to no vehicles, people or buildings in the area.....just wonderful subject matter for videos and panoramas. Also, the Markham airport is more than 5 kilometers away, and I can hear and see aircraft approaching. I guess I am getting stubborn in my old age.
Roads *can* be privately owned, but even then, if the public has open access to them it's hard to argue that some person in authority could exercise some exclusive control over them. Unwin Ave in Toronto is a great example. A section of the road is technically owned by the Toronto Ports Authority (or was, when i worked for the security company they contracted). But the road was open to and connected to public roads on both ends of the section, so you'd never know if you missed the small sign. At any rate it made no difference, police patrolled it and enforced HTA on it as with any other public highway, and you can bet that had any of our security guards tried to block access or order people off the road etc, that would have been fixed right quick.