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Safe Maximum battery temperatures Mavic 3


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2022
Chicago, IL, USA
Hi gang. While trying to get used to the controls and learning where everything is on the RC pro and the Mavic 3 I had the bird sitting on my counter turned on while I was learning everything. At one point I noticed that the battery temp was about 40°C.

That seemed pretty high to me so I shut it off and continued with my research on the RC pro with the Mavic turned off.

My question is what is the maximum safe battery temperature and what is too hot it that it would cause damage?

With my phantom 4 pro there were times when I wanted to have the bird turned on while I was doing some thing in the house and I would set it on the basement floor and turn it on with the props going and it would create its own breeze and keep it cool enough for me to do what I needed.

Wondering if that’s some thing I would want to do here if I want to do the same thing with the Mavic 3. Or put it next to a fan with the fan blowing on it.
It never hurts to have a fan running. Batteries are like people. They like moderate temperatures. Thermal runaway can start as low as 60°C internal temperature of the battery. 40°C or 104°F is still within the moderate range although at the top of that range. I see numerous reports of battery temps immediately after flight of around 50°C. Turning on the props will obviously increase the draw on the battery. I can't estimate the difference in battery temp by doing this.
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Thanks. Gives me some reference point.
If I need to do that again I’ll have a little fan blowing directly on it.
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Hi gang. While trying to get used to the controls and learning where everything is on the RC pro and the Mavic 3 I had the bird sitting on my counter turned on while I was learning everything. At one point I noticed that the battery temp was about 40°C.

That seemed pretty high to me so I shut it off and continued with my research on the RC pro with the Mavic turned off.

My question is what is the maximum safe battery temperature and what is too hot it that it would cause damage?

With my phantom 4 pro there were times when I wanted to have the bird turned on while I was doing some thing in the house and I would set it on the basement floor and turn it on with the props going and it would create its own breeze and keep it cool enough for me to do what I needed.

Wondering if that’s some thing I would want to do here if I want to do the same thing with the Mavic 3. Or put it next to a fan with the fan blowing on it.
The ideal storage temperature for DJI batteries is between 71.6°F and 86°F (22°C to 30°C), and storage in this range can help minimize non-recoverable capacity loss.

Read More Here
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I wasn’t referring to storage. I was talking about when I need to have the drone/ battery on , not flying. Just so I can access information or play with settings while it’s sitting on my desk.
I just want to keep an eye on the temperature and not let it get too hot.
The Mavic 3 has a fan to keep things from overheating. Just running the electronics won't have enough current draw to raise the battery temperature much above ambient. You should be fine.
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Where do you get a readout of the actual battery temperature?
Where do you get a readout of the actual battery temperature?
In the Fly app. Settings> Safety - mod way down page to Battery>Battery Info. Shows the Battery cell levels and temp

Oops MH beat me to it. Same screen shows Voltage, temp, Serial number and cycle count
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Hola pandilla. Mientras trataba de acostumbrarme a los controles y aprender dónde está todo en el RC pro y el Mavic 3, tenía el pájaro sentado en mi mostrador encendido mientras aprendía todo. En un momento noté que la temperatura de la batería era de unos 40°C.

Eso me pareció bastante alto, así que lo apagué y continué con mi investigación sobre el RC pro con el Mavic apagado.

Mi pregunta es ¿cuál es la temperatura máxima segura de la batería y qué está demasiado caliente para causar daños?

Con mi phantom 4 pro hubo momentos en los que quería encender el pájaro mientras hacía algo en la casa y lo colocaba en el piso del sótano y lo encendía con los accesorios en marcha y creaba su propia brisa. y mantenlo lo suficientemente frío para que pueda hacer lo que necesitaba.

Me pregunto si eso es algo que me gustaría hacer aquí si quiero hacer lo mismo con el Mavic 3. O ponerlo junto a un ventilador con el ventilador soplando sobre él.
Si el ventilador, lo uso yo también.
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Are there any known issues with the Mavic 3 overheating while powered on without the props running? My Classic has the internal fan as mentioned above like all the Mavic 3's and I've heard it running. However, I also own a P3P which has a well known gimbal board overheating issue which will cause loss of video transmission if not kept cool with a fan or props running when idle and powered on, which I always do. Would it be good practice to follow those same precautions with my Classic?
Are there any known issues with the Mavic 3 overheating while powered on without the props running? My Classic has the internal fan as mentioned above like all the Mavic 3's and I've heard it running. However, I also own a P3P which has a well known gimbal board overheating issue which will cause loss of video transmission if not kept cool with a fan or props running when idle and powered on, which I always do. Would it be good practice to follow those same precautions with my Classic?
Certainly won't hurt, but shouldn’t be unnecessary unless doing a really long FW update when the ambient temperature is abnormally hot.
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Certainly won't hurt, but shouldn’t be unnecessary unless doing a really long FW update when the ambient temperature is abnormally hot.
Well when it was first delivered I did the full charge on battery and remote before power up and when I powered it up and activated it did a FW update with no cooling and it survived just fine. The internal fan did run. Not likely there will be any large FW updates coming again but I was just curious if there was any quirks like the P3P ( specifically out of the P3 series) has.
Well when it was first delivered I did the full charge on battery and remote before power up and when I powered it up and activated it did a FW update with no cooling and it survived just fine. The internal fan did run. Not likely there will be any large FW updates coming again but I was just curious if there was any quirks like the P3P ( specifically out of the P3 series) has.
Indeed. The internal fan on the Mavic 3 seems to be more than adequate. Lots of improvements since the P3P. The Mini 3 Pro, however, can still get very hot on the bench, and needs a cooling fan blowing on it, as it has no internal fan to keep its weight under 250g.
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