Here are some key points in your flight:
6m 19.4s: Pilot RTH initiated
(slowly started returning home at about 1.5 MPH)
6m 44.5s: Pilot RTH cancelled
(hovered in place with strong winds while pilot descended)
8m 6.3s: Pilot RTH initiated and Mavic started returning home at current altitude of 224 feet
(RTH altitude was 101 feet)
(Mavic started moving further away from the home point since wind was too strong)
8m 13.7s: Pilot started descending at full throttle down
(continued periods of descending while Mavic continued to move further away from home point)
8m 46.2s: Started to get a weak signal since Mavic was too low to the ground
10m 22.5s: Pilot cancelled RTH
10m 35.1s: RTH automatically initiated due to low battery
(continued to descend for periods at full throttle down)
10m 47.3s: Pilot cancelled RTH
10m 58.1s: Downlink lost
In order for your Mavic to fly back home at this point, it would have had to continually ascend as it met new obstacles
(since it was flying up a hill) while fighting the strong winds. The battery was only at 25%, so it either crashed into an obstacle, met an obstacle and deciding to land because it could not overcome it, or landed at the current location when the battery reached the critically low level.
It would have flown close to the red line below as it tried to return to the home point:
View attachment 18741
View attachment 18742
If it crashed or landed due to an obstacle it could not overcome, I think it would be in one of the yellow circled locations below:
View attachment 18743
If it managed to see all of the obstacles in the flight path and continued to overcome each obstacle as they were encountered, it could have landing anywhere along that red line. The battery was pretty low though, so I don't think it would have made it too far up the hill.