I have the same lanyard! Works exactly as you described, and folding down the V's lets them fit into any case, with the lanyard folded on top, and the quick release allows easy lanyard removal if you want to store it separately.Gave a stocking stuffer list to Mrs. PB, she told me to just order it myself.I ended up ordering three Lexar Pro 1066x cards, 128GB each. That capacity will hold over 80 minutes of video (two batteries worth), far more than I'd normally shoot in one outing. A second card, just in case. The third one will go into the RC-Pro, which is probably overkill, but the card was only $14.49 (a 64GB card was $9.99).
I've had very good luck (no issues) with Lexar cards in my DSLR.
This is the lanyard I ordered:
I like the V shape of the fixing screws on that model of lanyard. I also like that the ends of the strap attach to the fixing screws via nylon cord. Some of the lanyards I looked at had metal or plastic clips that attach to the fixing screws. That just adds additional metal or plastic that would get in the way when storing the RC-Pro in the carrying case. The short lengths of nylon cord should allow me to fold up the lanyard and place it UNDER the RC-Pro in the carrying case I ordered. Easy peasy and the lanyard will be out of the way.
I have experience with exactly this type of arrangement on my digital SLR. Loops of nylon cord to loop through the D rings on the SLR. Quick disconnects between the nylon cord and the strap in case I want to remove the strap temporarily. It has worked out very well.
You might consider swapping cards every time you swap batteries. It's good practice. "Cloud storage" of your prior flight’s recordings in the air is an unnecessary risk, when using the card for multiple flights. This limits your losses to a single flight’s recordings, should everything go horribly wrong, and the drone becomes unrecoverable!