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Slight drift without input from sticks or wind


Sep 3, 2018
Flew my air back to the home point and I let off the sticks, and it stopped like usual but then it moved sideways about 2/3m..there was no wind so wondering if anyone’s experienced this before..?it was low an battery around 17% but that shouldn’t have caused it..
Flew my air back to the home point and I let off the sticks, and it stopped like usual but then it moved sideways about 2/3m..there was no wind so wondering if anyone’s experienced this before..?it was low an battery around 17% but that shouldn’t have caused it..
It *might* just be a touch of GPS drift. I get that now and then. I just let it settle in and acquire a better GPS lock on its position.

An obstructed sky (trees, buildings, even hills) could cause this, especially if it’s using any satellites near the horizon, which it has a clear view of at higher altitudes, but which get blocked by trees, buildings, or hills as you descend.
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Thanks for the reply.. I’ve had a look back at the flight log an noticed as I was coming back to home i was in sport mode an just before it started to drift I had flicked it back into normal GPS mode.. so I think it was the GPS catching up after I’d been hammering it back in sport mode.. so I think your right was just locking on..
I experience some drifts time to time, especially in the very beggining, and I think it is because of the GPS (sometimes they are 9-10 in the beggining and sometimes they drop a little bit below that and is little bit scary to see how the drone goes directly to a tree or something :) )
Try to calibrate the controller. Mine did the same thing and it turns out the joysticks were not centered/calibrated.
You got my hopes up, but unfortunately it did not help.
Mine's had a yaw drift since the last version (.400) and many others are complaigning and have flight log data.
DJI has acknowledged the issue but has not released an update for over 3 months.
You got my hopes up, but unfortunately it did not help.
Mine's had a yaw drift since the last version (.400) and many others are complaigning and have flight log data.
DJI has acknowledged the issue but has not released an update for over 3 months.
Yaw drift is a different issue. The OP was talking about horizontal drift that settled and stopped.

I assume you’ve done compass, IMU, and stick calibration to fix your yaw drift. None of that worked?
I had the same issue once and after re installing through the DJI Assistant and then recalibrating it went away
I have not tried reinstalling .400 and can see what happens.
Did you have this same yaw drifting/glitching issue?
Doubt it will help as the issue is confirmed by DJI support to have been introduced in .400 and that a fix is pending F/W release.
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