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Someone might get fired.

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If you ever put your house up for sale, hopefully they wont accidently lose a zero in the ad price for it. That would suck!
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I am sure there is more to the story. It probably scanned at the correct price, but thats when the "hey thats not what the price on the shelf tag said! " disturbance started, and the people behind in the checkout line suffered till someone got his way......:D
I am sure there is more to the story. It probably scanned at the correct price, but thats when the "hey thats not what the price on the shelf tag said! " disturbance started, and the people behind in the checkout line suffered till someone got his way......:D
No disturbance but he did say that it was definitely in the wrong spot I responded with well you know it is not like I moved it he said true today is your lucky day
I guess I am a scumbag that took advantage of a situation. wytnyt you are a better person than me.
i wouldnt say that but ive been on the receiving end a few times and it tends to bother a person
No disturbance but he did say that it was definitely in the wrong spot I responded with well you know it is not like I moved it he said true today is your lucky day
In most cases an underpaid manager will let the owner eat the mistake rather than deal will a person ready to make a scene. not saying you were, but it did ring up at the price you KNOW was correct. So that was the moment that defined what kind of people were involved.
I get that. Sorry you have dealt with that. I rarely get a good deal on things and knew this store when pointed out the fail will honor their mistakes. Now my daughter has a great drone to fly. She loves flying and I hope she wants to get a job where she can utilize her abilities when she is old enough
I was going to buy the drone anyways at regular price but he Didn’t argue with me I was going to buy the drone anyways no matter what.
I get that. Sorry you have dealt with that. I rarely get a good deal on things and knew this store when pointed out the fail will honor their mistakes. Now my daughter has a great drone to fly. She loves flying and I hope she wants to get a job where she can utilize her abilities when she is old enough
and hopefully she wont be in a like situation causing her to lose her job
as another said
it really does work
do good,good comes to you
do bad,bad comes back

this may be a defining moment for you
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I was going to buy the drone anyways at regular price but he Didn’t argue with me I was going to buy the drone anyways no matter what.

So you wanted to argue? And he didnt.... I get it!
Karma is a balance right? I have filled and filled and filled my Karma bank so its kinda bloated and overflowing. I need to withdraw some of that Karma.

I think my future existence can bear one scathingly low price on a new Mavic Pro that is agreed upon by the management of the retail company that is selling the product.

  1. (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.
    • informal
      destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.
Maybe this was my good coming back to me for all the good I have done.
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I wasn’t going to argue with him. It was his choice then manager seconds the decision.
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