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Someone might get fired.

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So, I guess the moral of this story is that it's good to take advantage of other's mistakes when possible. I guess I'm the odd man out as I won't be teaching my child to do this.
My kids are grown, but even my grandkids would never do something like that. Neither would I. My oldest daughter bought a gun safe at a public auction some time ago. When she got it home and got to looking at it closer she found over $700 in a cubby hole that was overlooked. She immediately hopped in her car and took the money back to the elderly widow who had auctioned her husbands stuff off. Made me very proud of her for that.
On the other side of this fence..... I was at a Lowes once buying 6 16 foot long 2x4s. Tag on the shelf said they were $8.99 each.
Cashier scanned the barcode and they came up as $2.99 each. I told her that was wrong and they should be $8.99 each. She looked at me like I was crazy and said, "The total is $19.28, do you have a problem?" I paid the bill and again, mentioned that they might want to have someone check that bar code. She again gave me the stink eye.
She obviously didn't care one bit. I'll bet they are still selling them below their cost. But, hey, I tried to do the right thing.
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My kids are grown, but even my grandkids would never do something like that. Neither would I. My oldest daughter bought a gun safe at a public auction some time ago. When she got it home and got to looking at it closer she found over $700 in a cubby hole that was overlooked. She immediately hopped in her car and took the money back to the elderly widow who had auctioned her husbands stuff off. Made me very proud of her for that.
I would have done the same. I have done the same thing with a car I bought found a necklace under the seat and returned it. They lost it for a while. But a bad person would not have returned is.
So, I guess the moral of this story is that it's good to take advantage of other's mistakes when possible. I guess I'm the odd man out as I won't be teaching my child to do this.

"What happens if the person in the checkout line in front of you drops a wad of cash daddy?"
"Well, sweetheart you put your foot on top of it, say nothing until they leave, and if they dont ask you directly to give it back, then it is yours!"
" That doesn't seem fair dad, I wouldn't want someone to do that to me!"
"Its their fault dear child. If they are too stupid to stow their valuables, they need to be taught a lesson. Because what you do, will make THEM a better person! "
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"What happens if the person in the checkout line in front of you drops a wad of cash daddy?"
"Well, sweetheart you put your foot on top of it, say nothing until they leave, and if they dont ask you directly to give it back, then it is yours!"
" That doesn't seem fair dad, I wouldn't want someone to do that to me!"
"Its their fault dear child. If they are too stupid to stow their valuables, they need to be taught a lesson. Because of what you do, will make THEM a better person! "
Not sure why you quoted me and then stated that. Exactly what is your point?
OK guy's this is what it is and I just deleted a Inappropriate post several post back and not going
to have those started in this . It has went as far as it is going to and is

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I have seen the receipt and what he said was correct, so he wasn't lying about the price.
The regular price was $999.99 and it was sold for $199.99. With tax it was $214.99.
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