All of a sudden my mavic pro video on phone started to look like this 2018_06_12_11_20_25.mp4
No crash no changes or updated no anything 2 weeks ago i was flying with no issues and now this. Sometimes everything OK for several minutes and then start to look like on video.
However video from card is perfectly OK.
i have tried different USB cables, from left transmitter plug and from bottom, same thing.
Is anyone have something similar? What could be a problem?
It is definitely not camera like in other topics here because video from card is perfectly ok.
Oh one more thing, this happen even when drone very close, few meters away and all links in DJI GO shows full signal, for video and for transmitter.
All of a sudden my mavic pro video on phone started to look like this 2018_06_12_11_20_25.mp4
No crash no changes or updated no anything 2 weeks ago i was flying with no issues and now this. Sometimes everything OK for several minutes and then start to look like on video.
However video from card is perfectly OK.
i have tried different USB cables, from left transmitter plug and from bottom, same thing.
Is anyone have something similar? What could be a problem?
It is definitely not camera like in other topics here because video from card is perfectly ok.
Oh one more thing, this happen even when drone very close, few meters away and all links in DJI GO shows full signal, for video and for transmitter.
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