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Stuck at Safety Notification


Active Member
Feb 13, 2018
Redding, California
I try to fly (very low altitude) near our local airport and I get the message as viewed in the image below. It seems like it says I can bear responsibility and unlock. But when I press "yes" and even hold it, nothing happens.

On one other occasion, no longer reproducible, every time I clicked on yes it would go to the full safety disclaimer for the DJI Go 4 app, and if I closed that I would just get back here. How does one do this?IMG_0198.PNG
You have to tap the circle first to check it.

The full screen issue was happening in previous Go version where the overlay was all messed up and trying to tap the circle would bring up the whole T&C page...

Isn't that exactly what I posted?
According to the time of your post, he beat you by 4 minutes :D even though your post shows up first.
I think you both basically answered at the same time.
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According to the time of your post, he beat you by 4 minutes :D even though your post shows up first.
I think you both basically answered at the same time.
Not really, there's a 2h difference... I don't care about being FIRST!!!11!, I'm just curious what makes someone post the same exact thing again ;)
So there was a mess up for whatever reason . Stay On Topic Guy's
and if you want to question him do so in a conversation not in this thread .
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There may be 2 circles to tick, might need scrolling to reach the other - IF you can at all on your small screen device.
I try to fly (very low altitude) near our local airport and I get the message as viewed in the image below. It seems like it says I can bear responsibility and unlock. But when I press "yes" and even hold it, nothing happens.

On one other occasion, no longer reproducible, every time I clicked on yes it would go to the full safety disclaimer for the DJI Go 4 app, and if I closed that I would just get back here. How does one do this?View attachment 34219
I was able to launch my Air for the first time yesterday and had the same problem.
Do you know if you can use an iPad mini with the Air controller, or is it too big?
There may be 2 circles to tick, might need scrolling to reach the other - IF you can at all on your small screen device.

My understanding is... There shouldn't be two circles to tick if it's just an Enhanced Warning Zone. In this type of zone, it's just a single warning and single tick and you don't need an unlock code. If it's an Authorization Zone, then you have two circles to tick and you must either have Internet access while using the app, or get pre-authorization on the website first.

Here is the geo zone map from DJI that will show you which type of zone you are trying to fly in. For most locations around airports, there is a red zone (no fly zone), a yellow zone (authorization zone) and a green zone (enhanced warning zone).

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My understanding is... There shouldn't be two circles to tick if it's just an Enhanced Warning Zone. In this type of zone, it's just a single warning and single tick and you don't need an unlock code. If it's an Authorization Zone, then you have two circles to tick and you must either have Internet access while using the app, or get pre-authorization on the website first.
I have always had to tick 2 boxes for zones that didn't need a code.
I have always had to tick 2 boxes for zones that didn't need a code.

I have no personal experience with Authorization Zones, but I fly in Enhanced Warning Zones all the time and there's just one circle to tick (like the screenshot in the first post), following by touching the YES at the bottom of the window. So it's two steps but just one circle to tick, at least in my experience.

To the best of my knowledge, a regular Enhanced Warning Zone only requires this acknowledgement and does not need to be Internet connected or unlocked on the website. An Authorization Zone unlock needs either requires an Internet connection or a pre-auth online.
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