It's all good and well to wish that something were so (my various rants on GPS, HDG display, etc.).
But as we know, even if the f/w//s/w updates were supposed to work w/o changing settings, it would never be wise to depend on them not being changed.
Were we really, really, really serious about all this we would run a detailed checklist "the night before" (technical readiness/safety) as well as pre-flight checklists for every flight (or at least session).
I do pre-day checks as well as pre-flight checks. I'd like to claim I use a detailed checklist (I've written one) but that would be an exaggeration. But I do a full airplane check the night before to be sure the bird in the bag is ready to fly the way I expect it to.
DJI could provide a "backup" facility so that all of the settings on the bird are copied to the app. That would be nice. But one would still need to verify them.