After 18 months of owning my MP, RTH came in exceptionally useful!
On holiday in Portugal, I calibaretaed (different hemisphere) and flew about. I then headed off over the sea, 800m and 15m up. All good. Looked beautiful. Decided to take a photo.
Switched to still. Clicked for photo. And bang. Black screen. No video. Then a message. I can’t recall the message, but something on the lines of “no signal”.
I had no idea where the quad was. Looked around. Nothing.
I had never tried RTH. Then. I heard a distant lovely sound. It had done its job. Flew back overhead. I hoped to regain control. But the screen remained black. It hovered overhead and landed. I was extatic. I thought it was lost.
It turned out, I think, to be a faulty USB cable. Because I never got signal back. Switched cables and all good.
I feel so much more happy it’s th quad. Nice one.
So I got brave and shot this video. Sea? Who cares.
RTH wills ave me.
On holiday in Portugal, I calibaretaed (different hemisphere) and flew about. I then headed off over the sea, 800m and 15m up. All good. Looked beautiful. Decided to take a photo.
Switched to still. Clicked for photo. And bang. Black screen. No video. Then a message. I can’t recall the message, but something on the lines of “no signal”.
I had no idea where the quad was. Looked around. Nothing.
I had never tried RTH. Then. I heard a distant lovely sound. It had done its job. Flew back overhead. I hoped to regain control. But the screen remained black. It hovered overhead and landed. I was extatic. I thought it was lost.
It turned out, I think, to be a faulty USB cable. Because I never got signal back. Switched cables and all good.
I feel so much more happy it’s th quad. Nice one.
So I got brave and shot this video. Sea? Who cares.