Okay, so you don't know the Part 107 CAV requirements or understand how to get them from METARs, or even what a METAR is.
OMG...now you are seriously treading into the moron zone. Of course I know what they are and how to read them, which is why can assert with 100% confidence that they are absolutely useless to any UAV pilot.
It's not a forecast. And how can CAV be useless when it's a specific requirement?
So your assertion is this: Because the FAA requires it, it MUST be useful???....SMH..... I'll remind you that my ENTIRE POINT is that the 107 test that the FAA put together has a ton of useless junk in it, including METAR's and CAV's. YES, I know what they are. YES, I understand them. YES, I can read METAR's. NO, I've never found a single use for any of it in SIX YEARS OF PROFESSIONAL UAV FLYING. For the love of all that is holy, now THAT ought to do it!!!!
You have no clue about any of this, do you?
Are you TRYING to be ironic?
Good grief - if you are going to quote posts then they should at least support your assertion.
NO. I simply quoted you after you said you didn't say something. I caught you in a lie. OWN IT.
That statement doesn't mention a glide slope question - it states that understanding airport patterns includes the concept of glide slopes.
NO, it does not. NOWHERE is "glide slope" MENTIONED ANYWHERE in the 107 test or study material. I can't say it any plainer, Skippy. You can assert all you want that the test questions ELUDE to "glide slope," but that is not the same thing as specifically MENTIONING glide slope in the study material. I don't how how to say it any clearer.
And then you completely ignored my point that glide slopes are only guidance for pilots - they are not a requirement.
OMG...again, you miss MY POINT. Which is that glide slope SHOULD BE IN THE 107 TEST QUESTIONS AND STUDY MATERIAL. MY POINT, is that the FAA SHOULD REQUIRE glide slope knowledge for all UAV pilots. MUCH more valuable than freakin' METAR's.
They are bounded by approach requirements and patterns.
Which UAV pilots SHOULD know. The 107 touches on SOME of the aspects of aviation patterns and pilot syntax regarding airport approach. My argument is that UAV pilots should know EVERYTHING about aircraft approach and take off. Call me nuts, but it seems understanding what planes are GOING TO DO and WHY they are flying the patterns they are flying is good knowledge to have.
If your safe flying depends on you understanding the difference between 757 and Cessna glide slopes then someone has a big problem.
If you think UAV flights conducted in the direct flight path of an airstrip have zero use for glide slope information, then I don't know what to tell you. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.
What are the differences, by the way? That was rhetorical, by the way.
Good! I would hope so!