If you see one on sale at BestBuy.com, move fast. Do not have them ship it to you, drive there. I drove 44 minutes to get mine and if they hadn't pulled it off the shelf, another guy was already sniffing around it to buy it. 44 minutes after sale and the clerks still hadn't pulled it, it was literally the last one in stock in an 80 mile radius. The only reason I currently own it and not the dude the sales guy was showing a Mavic Pro video to was because I showed up and made them pull it then and there.
P.S. Huge thanks to pasta4r. Without that post I would not have cancelled my Amazon PreOrder and driven like a madman to get what may just have been the last Mavic Pro in the state. I can now shoot video of my friend's wedding in early January in style. (And maybe play around with it like a kid on a sugar high for the next month.)