The area where I live in the south of Spain is an old volcanic region so perhaps this has something to do with it. I am really intrigued now as I thought everyone was like me carrying out regular CC.i fly all over the place mostly in Wales and have gone well over 100 miles from home on several occasions to fly ,i have not taken the MM any further than 50 miles from home yet and have not been asked to CC i use my hand held compass method on both my drones to establish magnetic north ,and to check if there is anything in the ground that could affect the compass in the drone
to do that i hold the compass at chest height find north and then lower it slowly to the ground if the needle stays pointing to the north point on the ground ,then i know that there is nothing affecting it, but on several occasions the needle has moved quite a way off north due to something in the ground affecting it , then i move to another point and try again
The next time I fly I will try out your compass idea and see if I can get to the bottom of this.