@Meta4 and
@sar104 , thank you both for your responses.
First, let me remind everyone still reading this... My post that started this whole thing was stating why I think DJI's software asks for a calibration. That was my purpose.
WHY do you get that message. Not if it was necessary... just why it happens. You two ridiculed my message as misinformed, then went on at length about what calibration does.
I thank you for your explanations. They have been informative. But allow me to remind you both of the core statement I was making on this whole matter of
WHY a calibration is requested:
Now, I was rather thorough in my research before flying my drone. And page 55 of the Mavic Air user manual states:
Please note that I commented that I have found little rhyme or reason to much of this, merely that I find it expedient to calibrate when the software asks for it.
I also humbly included the fact that just because I don't know of w logical reason for the calibration request, doesn't mean there isn't a good reason for it.
And for this, you two have come after me in a rather uncalled-for fashion, and I am surprised moderation allowed it. It's okay, I don't really care, I'm merely surprised.
So the conversation continued, with you two, particularly Meta4, being very disparaging because apparently I'm too stupid to realize the conversation is about the uselessness of calibrating.
Odd, since as it was my post that triggered your ire, and my post was merely a casual observation about "why" the request might happen, but still it was deemed my failing that I couldn't see your points.
So this morning, I find Meta4 acknowledging:
Thank you. I was wondering about that and, though you haven't indicated "how" that might happen, at least it is an acknowledgement that it CAN happen.
And sar104 said:
I find that very believable. I watched their videos about controlling the aircraft, and I can tell you what they say about "Follow Mode" is half wrong. The drone cannot reproduce what they show you in the video. Clearly, mistakes are made.
And yet, I'm still wondering how my "no rhyme or reason that I can see" comment rated a "you are wrong" response from you two.
Maybe it was because Meta4 perceived my message as a criticism of him, since I started with a crack about calibrating away from your cell phone, and sar104 is just sticking up for his buddy.
That would be odd, since my crack was at DJI, not Meta4, for suggesting you even can calibrate without your cell phone - at least, it is not possible as far as I can tell on my Mavic Air. No
smart controller support, you see.
But even now, your position seems to be that calibration is a waste of time. Maybe so. The electromagnetic profile of the drone hasn't changed. You are sure of that.
You know, funny story. I remember years ago, when I was a kid, there was a radio tower not too far away, and sometimes we'd go over to about 1Km away from it with industrial fluorescent tubes in our hands, and watch them light up when we got close enough to the tower.
Induction is an amazing phenomenon.
We really shouldn't talk about the magnetic field of the drone, but rather the electromagnetic field, since the two are intimately intertwined. And I'm pretty sure that if you went within 1 Km of that old radio tower, it would induce a field within your drone.
Meta4, I reckon that would cause a, what did you call it... "a reading out of the normal range". Which would trigger a calibration request on the software, am I correct?
Yes yes, I know I know. Move away from the tower. Yeah, I got it the first time.
But I only ever argued about
WHY you'd get the message. And this sounds like a perfect "why". And, it would obviously be an external, environmental reason.
Calibrating might not solve this anomaly, of course. You might have no choice but to move away from the tower.
But the tower would definitely be the "why", and I cannot see how I'm so wrong about that.
This would be an environmental trigger to an actual change in the drone's electromagnetic field as well.
I can't see how I'm so wrong about that, either.
Why you two have been so vehement about making this about something else, I really don't know.
I don't much care either.
Because if you forget the manual, and just look at what works, then here is what works for me and my Mavic Air.
If it asks for a calibration, I calibrate. It does not harm, and takes but a few seconds.
- If the calibration succeeds, I fly. I've never had any problems with location or RTH or anything else.
- If calibration fails, I move. I assume that whatever has caused the request is too strong right here, so I find a different spot, and try again. This has happened, and moving a little ways away has always fixed the problem.
Through this back and forth with you two, I have built a clearer picture in mind about what is going on. Thanks to sar104, I now know how calibration world, and what it does.
However, you guys have trashed my suggestions, yet I see now that they hold water.
Environment CAN trigger the request, and is in fact the most likely culprit.
DJI might have made a mistake, but then again, the manual seems to reflect a concern for changes in the environment, errors in the recorded data within the drone, and changes to the drones electromagnetic profile.
All of those things seem quite reasonable to me.
Lastly, returning to the OP's post (and my apologies for hijacking your thread, sir), I think that DJI might decline to accept responsibility for the loss of a drone where the pilot ignored a calibration request (is it even possible to launch under this condition?).
"Sir, we cannot be held responsible if you ignore the warnings of the software".
Somehow, I don't think quoting sar104 as a material expert is going to change that conversation.
For the record, you both seem to stand on the idea that recalibrating is never required. I think you are wrong. I am satisfied that there are real-world conditions that can indeed change the drone's electromagnetic profile, and it seems DJI are not 100% confident in their drones keeping that information intact over time.
I stand by my original statement. I can't always see why my drone asks me to calibrate the compass. I also don't much care. If it asks, I calibrate. I don't care how the drone does that, or what it does to achieve that, but it results in me being able to fly, and I figure it covers my butt with DJI should I ever have a need to claim from them.
If you two gentlemen still have an issue with that for some reason, have at it.
I'm done with this matter, and I am confident an unbiased reader would agree with my position which has always been simply why this request happens, my personal experience with it, and how I respond to it.
@sar104 I hope that should the day come that I need logs analyzed, that you'd be willing to help. You read those things like most of us read a newspaper. Very impressive.
But if you've taken this thread personally... so be it. Sorry you feel that way.