Hello from the UK
Can someone help me with this simple question- Should my phone (Android) or tablet (again Android) be connected to anything other than the Mavic pro while flying? by anything I mean of course the internet, either by sim card or Wi-Fi? does the app or the drone need a connection to the internet to work as intended? If not how does it work with the google maps etc (on display)? should my Android device be in flight mode to stop any interruptions like incoming calls, app updates or notifications etc?
I feel like I should know this already but .....TBH I don't!
I have had some on-screen "non responsive, frozen and delayed control" moments but luckily always managed to get the Mavic back down in one piece, these experiences are spoiling my ideas of longer distance flights for fear of something going wobbly while away off in the distance, any help people would be a great comfort to my confidence.
Can someone help me with this simple question- Should my phone (Android) or tablet (again Android) be connected to anything other than the Mavic pro while flying? by anything I mean of course the internet, either by sim card or Wi-Fi? does the app or the drone need a connection to the internet to work as intended? If not how does it work with the google maps etc (on display)? should my Android device be in flight mode to stop any interruptions like incoming calls, app updates or notifications etc?
I feel like I should know this already but .....TBH I don't!
I have had some on-screen "non responsive, frozen and delayed control" moments but luckily always managed to get the Mavic back down in one piece, these experiences are spoiling my ideas of longer distance flights for fear of something going wobbly while away off in the distance, any help people would be a great comfort to my confidence.