Hi everyone
On the weekend I was attempting to film a regional food and wine festival from the riverbank with my mavic air. I took off (after the system did a quick update of sorts but not the full update that I skipped over) from the riverbank deck under a restaurant and proceeded to fly up wind in line with the riverbank. About 20 seconds into the flight (hadn't even turned the camera on yet to record) my status went from green to yellow and changed to unctrl allt (or something very similar - guessing uncontrollable altitude?) and the drone turned around on its own accord and took off at full speed flying straight into the restaurant - which at near sunset was starting to fill up (you know everyone operators worst nightmare). Thankfully people saw it coming, got out of the way and it slammed into a wall hard enough to leave a mark in the wall, fully collapse the wings and rotors back in and the camera gimbal hanging out of the drone..
I talked to the videographers at the festival (I was primarily doing photography) who didn't recognise the error either but said the drone might have been thrown off by all the wifi use in the area (over a thousand people at the site plus a static wifi signal on the riverbank that the audio production team was also using) and didn't know what to do so just decided to go straight home which was under the restaurant.
Would love to know if anyone has any better ideas/thoughts on the matter - any assistance would be greatly appreciated
On the weekend I was attempting to film a regional food and wine festival from the riverbank with my mavic air. I took off (after the system did a quick update of sorts but not the full update that I skipped over) from the riverbank deck under a restaurant and proceeded to fly up wind in line with the riverbank. About 20 seconds into the flight (hadn't even turned the camera on yet to record) my status went from green to yellow and changed to unctrl allt (or something very similar - guessing uncontrollable altitude?) and the drone turned around on its own accord and took off at full speed flying straight into the restaurant - which at near sunset was starting to fill up (you know everyone operators worst nightmare). Thankfully people saw it coming, got out of the way and it slammed into a wall hard enough to leave a mark in the wall, fully collapse the wings and rotors back in and the camera gimbal hanging out of the drone..
I talked to the videographers at the festival (I was primarily doing photography) who didn't recognise the error either but said the drone might have been thrown off by all the wifi use in the area (over a thousand people at the site plus a static wifi signal on the riverbank that the audio production team was also using) and didn't know what to do so just decided to go straight home which was under the restaurant.
Would love to know if anyone has any better ideas/thoughts on the matter - any assistance would be greatly appreciated