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Unit of Measurement - Metric V Imperial in DJI Go4 App


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
Dallas, Texas
Question: In the Advanced Settings you can choose what unit of measurement you want to use, Imperial or Metric. Being a stupid American I chose Imperial since I generally think in terms of feet, yards and miles rather than meters or kilometers.

But in the setting labeled "Distance Limit" and "Maximum Altitude" your options are put in terms of "M" ... i.e.: Maximum Altitude: (20-500M) . Is the value I enter here still supposed to be in Meters rather than Feet, even though I chose Imperial Units? Did they just not change the label for these settings? Or am I still supposed to enter these figures based upon the metric system instead of the Imperial system, even though I chose the Imperial Units setting? Does anyone know?

Maybe a silly question, but I can't stop pondering it.
**** good question, apparently they mix the two units. As you said, the preferences are in meters, but the distances on your screen will be in miles, except for those in Meters per Second. Completely Bonkers. When you set your RTH related altitudes, ensure you're putting in correct figures.
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Yup, that threw me at first as well. I thought that changing to Imperial would also change those fields to reflect FEET and not METERS. No such luck. On the plus side I am getting better at converting between the two as I am forced to. :)
Easy conversion... meters x 3 will give a rough approximation of feet.
30 meters is roughly 90 feet (actually slightly more, but I think close enough for our needs).
I was also confused and I still am!
I understand that DJI is catering to all the customers globally and almost the whole world uses metric but in the aviation business every country uses imperial units. Since DJI is catering to a sector of Aviation market, especially with the inspire 2. I would have thought that they would have a more thorough implementation of changing the software to imperial units.
Question: In the Advanced Settings you can choose what unit of measurement you want to use, Imperial or Metric. Being a stupid American I chose Imperial since I generally think in terms of feet, yards and miles rather than meters or kilometers.

But in the setting labeled "Distance Limit" and "Maximum Altitude" your options are put in terms of "M" ... i.e.: Maximum Altitude: (20-500M) . Is the value I enter here still supposed to be in Meters rather than Feet, even though I chose Imperial Units? Did they just not change the label for these settings? Or am I still supposed to enter these figures based upon the metric system instead of the Imperial system, even though I chose the Imperial Units setting? Does anyone know?

Maybe a silly question, but I can't stop pondering it.
Still meters. 400' is 122m. That's what you can set into your max altitude.
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