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Upgrading to Mavic Air or Wait


Mar 5, 2018
I currently have a P3P and I'm ready to upgrade. Should I upgrade to the Mavic Air or wait for the MP2. My main concern with the Air is the battery life and the distance.
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I think its really up to you. There are so many DJI choices. What is it you want in a drone? If whats currently available doesn't meet your needs then I'd wait and see what's next. Maybe the MP2 won't have what you want and might have to wait for the MP3...

If all you want is the latest and greatest you're going to be disappointed at some point. Cause in years time there will be something (subjectively) better... If money isn't a problem then buy something now and buy the MP2 when it comes out. Otherwise figure out what you want out of drone before making any decision...
If you're not in a rush it makes perfect sense to wait. It seems the Mavic II isn't far off. You'll be able to weigh up the two options then and I suspect the Air might even get a small price reduction too.
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If you have highly desired or must have features that are not met in the MA and most likely will be met in the MP2 then it makes sense to wait or buy a MP or MPP at a discount. MA will only frustrate you otherwise.

MA is a ‘great’ drone, but for many of you on this forum who have owned one or more drones and have become more demanding in what you desire a drone to do, the MP series or higher is the natural upgrade path.

I remind people that the MA is not the current MP replacement and it is not an upgraded Spark. It was designed to fill the obvious gap in the lineup between the MP2 and the Spark. MA’s place in the lineup would be easier to see if the MP2 (1” sensor, better battery, starting price around $1200, etc etc) was released before MA. Then the next drone downward would be the $399 Spark?, hmmm, obvious gap and opportunity ... hence the MA.
I'd guess by the middle of the year our choices will look like this:

Tello > Spark > Air > Mavic II > Phantom 5 > Inspire 2

They'll pretty much have every need and price point neatly covered off. No real big gaps.

If you're starting off you can get a Tello, or Spark if you can afford it.

If you want to move on from there you'll have the Air, or Mavic II if you can afford it.

If you want to get even more serious about aerial video you have the Phantom 5 or Inspire 2 if you can afford it.
Once the next drone comes out, wait... as there will be another drone coming out 8 months later and it will be better. Actually, wait another 8 months as that next drone will be even better than that.
Once the next drone comes out, wait... as there will be another drone coming out 8 months later and it will be better. Actually, wait another 8 months as that next drone will be even better than that.
Yep, the only time I wait for the “next” model of any technology is if I think it’s release is imminent; otherwise, I buy what is currently available that fits my needs and enjoy it.
I'm having too much fun with my Mavic Air to respond to this question.

Just kidding. Coming from someone who's only DJI drone was the Mavic Pro, I have to say, sadly, I have not flown my Mavic Pro since I got my Mavic Air. It's kinda like the Air is what I wish the Mavic Pro was when it first came out. Love the safety features, the size, and the extra flight features. And depending what you need, for me personally, less range and less battery life aren't an issue that would've stopped me from buying the Air. I personally am not using my drone for distance records and since I have 3 batteries, the lower amount of flight time doesn't bother me.
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To add to my prior comment, also depends where you are, if the weather is good, and you can fly now, go for the Air. But if you're having bad weather where you are, and are going to wait to fly anyway, might as well wait and and see what the Pro 2 is like. Though some of the rumors are saying it will cost $1,199 U$. That may be a factor as well.
The Air is my first commercial drone and so far I love it. It hit all the data points for me except waypoints support at a price I could handle. That said, if you can wait for the specs for the MV2 to be announced to make you choice, that seems like a wise approach.
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