Actually, the correct regulation governing the Broadcast requirements of a RID Module is:
§ 89.315 Minimum Message Elements Broadcast By Remote Identification Broadcast Modules.
And the specific reference concerning the Take-Off Location is:
(e) An indication of the latitude and longitude of the take-off location of the unmanned aircraft.
And since the regulation specifies that the module need only offer an "indication" of Latitude and Longitude of the Take-off Location, I feel that I am fully vindicated by the vagueness of the Regulation to turn on the RID Module prior to arriving at the specific Launch Location…
You see, Webster's Dictionary defines "indication" as something that serves to indicate or suggest…
Synonyms for "Indication" are: clue, hint, suggestion, cue, idea, sign, inkling, suspicion, lead, glimpse, inference, scent, allusion, glimmer, whiff, insinuation, hunch, notion, flicker, inspiration, feeling…
For example, if I turn on a RID module prior to actually arriving at my launch site, the module would give a "Clue or Hint or Allusion or Notion or even a Feeling" to the Lat/Long of the Take-Off site…
That's my Story and I'm sticking to it… L
