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Who says the Mavic Mini can't handle the wind? Thirty mile per hour gusts at 75 feet high, and steady as a rock....

As has been said these are limited to 29mph. I took mine out yesterday despite the wind and in sport mode the fastest I could get it to was 5.5mph. At some points it was going slower. Flying at 90 degrees to the wind direction was "interesting" and got a few wobbles but flying back the bird topped out a 29.2mph. It's quite clear that this is the maximum it'll do so if you try flying in gusts over that you WILL lose.
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it is the title of the thread that is at the crux of all the posts ( who says the mavic mini cant handle the wind?thirty mile per hour gusts at 75 feet high,and steady as a rock) it give a false impression of the MM capabilities in windy conditions,it is not a critique of the actual video
It's not so much a matter of shooting the messenger, but there have already been numerous cases of Mavic Mini wind-related incidents/losses reported on this forum, with logs. This kind of video, pushing unrealistic expectations of the ability of the Mini to cope with high winds, does a huge disservice to new and novice users.
That's a very good point. I guess I posted it for a couple reasons: #1) I just thought it was a cool video, and #2) I (as a relative newbie--I'd only flown a cheap-o $50 Syma drone prior to the Mini) have actually been quite impressed with the Mini's ability to handle pretty strong winds. I had not, though, thought about the downside you mention to posting a video like this. Duly noted.
That's a very good point. I guess I posted it for a couple reasons: #1) I just thought it was a cool video, and #2) I (as a relative newbie--I'd only flown a cheap-o $50 Syma drone prior to the Mini) have actually been quite impressed with the Mini's ability to handle pretty strong winds. I had not, though, thought about the downside you mention to posting a video like this. Duly noted.

Not a problem - it was a nice video, and the potentially misleading wind issues were jumped on by numerous posters.
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At least some will see a thread with a heading like this as a challenge, or as approval that the little drone is capable of a lot more than they think.

Vast difference to what can be done by an experienced pilot vs. a new pilot.

More 'flyaways' incoming...

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it is the title of the thread that is at the crux of all the posts ( who says the mavic mini cant handle the wind?thirty mile per hour gusts at 75 feet high,and steady as a rock) it give a false impression of the MM capabilities in windy conditions,it is not a critique of the actual video
Valid criticism. I'm the O.P., and I do see how the title of my post gives the wrong impression.
At least some will see a thread with a heading like this as a challenge, or as approval that the little drone is capable of a lot more than they think.

Vast difference to what can be done by an experienced pilot vs. a new pilot.

More 'flyaways' incoming...

Sit back and enjoy the show


  • FBAF6227-DA2D-4DC3-BD0D-FDB836984F4C.png
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The ads in the classifieds are hilarious, this lucky punters selling his MM RC Only due to "upgrading". He'll even throw in the cables, how generous ?


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This one also gold, I guess Santa was giving extra RCs just incase? Even comes with a free box, price is a little more reasonable


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There is an app called "UAV Forcast" which tells you the wind speeds at various altitudes, and *seems* to be quite accurate.


I seriously doubt the video is real. May mavic 2 zoom cannot handle 20 MPH winds without serious drift.
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There is an app called "UAV Forcast" which tells you the wind speeds at various altitudes, and *seems* to be quite accurate.


I seriously doubt the video is real. May mavic 2 zoom cannot handle 20 MPH winds without serious drift.
Remember UAV Forecast is usually an estimate at any real altitude.

Your Zoom should easily handle winds of upto 25-26 mph. My M2P can easily hover stationary in that condition and flies fine... remember, whenever possible fly away against the wind and fly back with it.
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I’m out at the coast right now and I’m watching flags flap similarly to the video.

when I pulled out my anemometer and checked the wind speeds? 11.9mph was the peak at ground level.

you gotta be careful with these sorts of threads... they’ll lead to more “my mini didn’t respond to my commands..flew away”
The only way to verify the actual speeds at flight altitude is to upload the flight logs to something like and view the wind profile for the actual flight, which is calculated based on stick inputs versus actual GPS movement for the known profile of the model being flown.
No one can guess the wind speed 100 feet above them and it's genuinely very often 2 to 3 times the wind speed on the ground.

So by all means, if people want to dismiss the reported flyaways and blowaways as inexperienced pilots doing dumb things, then they should try and prove them wrong; waiting for a real windy day, flying the Mini up to 100 -200 feet, then uploading the flight logs and show the results.... That's the process I've done for my YouTube vids and by that process I've proved how wind affects the Mini, based on evidence, not a flag blowing in the wind and sticking a wet finger in the air....:p

For the metrically-challenged, the chart below shows an 11mph breeze at ground level which turns into a 30 mph average wind speed at 350 feet high, with the max gust at 36 mph, far in excess of what the Mini can handle, hence the blowaway....

Wind profile.pngwind1.jpg
I once flew my MA through the eye of a hurricane...yeah, that’s the ticket!
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