I don't have a dog in this fight, but I'd like to clear something up. RAW is essentially a digital negative. When shooting with film, you have room to play with the negatives in the darkroom to edit the photo how you like it. That's what RAW does for digital. Ansel Adams was known for being a pro in the darkroom, which is the modern day equivalent of being a master of Photoshop. Now that doesn't mean he didn't know how to get the best image possible straight out of his camera, but a little editing can go a long way to making an image better and he knew that. Every image you've ever seen has been edited in one way or another, so there is no need to look at editing photos as a negative thing. It's just a part of the process.
Anyway, blah blah blah and all that, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you want to get the best out of your photos taken with the Mavic, you really should be shooting in RAW and doing a bit of editing. Most don't require much if you have the settings right. The JPEGS that come out of the Mavic are not very good, and certainly don't give you the best image quality.
Of course if you don't want to shoot RAW and are fine with the JPEGS then that's all well and good. I'm not going to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do with their camera, much less what they are allowed to like or not like. You do you