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Why are we giving up our right to Fly because some ones upset?

Interrupting and distracting the operator is a really good response. Also, if you are certain about the municipalities codes and ordinances pertaining to drones then call the police is also a reasonable response.

Most people in my area are tech oriented so the vast majority of interactions are positive and are about the capabilities, how it works and cost. As another poster mentioned I try to include some of the FAA requirements and safety related information.

I don't think DJI will ever reward us for our impromptu sales efforts. My efforts to familiarize other curious people about drones is not altruistic. I believe that the more people that are comfortable, interested and have a positive experience with drone operators is good for hobby and might help to keep the dogmatic critics in check.
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Haven't had anyone complain about my drone yet...had one guy at a part start asking questions...he had a used one someone "gave" him and didn't know what kind of battery, etc it needed. Told him Google is your friend as I don't know what drone he had. I felt like he "found" the drone if you get my drift.

I usually try to explain that they do not own the air above their property. That is the exclusive property of the FAA and if they have a complaint to take it up with them. I like the idea of business cards with FAA rules, links and contact info. I think I'll make some.

As for people not understanding the law, I run into that ALL the time doing street photography. They usually start about their right to privacy, how it's illegal to photograph them without their permission, yadda yadda. I try to calmly explain that they have not legal expectations of privacy on a public street, or anywhere that can be seen from a public area (windows not included unless they are hanging out of Usually, that's all it takes and many times I will just delete the image if they are nice about it (though my camera makes backup nothing is ever truly I also try to point out that they are photographed dozens a times a day just walking down the street. Security cameras on many commercial buildings, traffic light cameras, people with cellphones doing selfies or video calls, (Mod Removed Language) the police cars have rolling video. But, I have had a few occasions where people just went bonkers and called the cops...which I encourage them to do if they feel they must. Cops usually just listen to the story and pull the person aside and tell them that I was right and I am not breaking any laws.

But in the end, do NOT get in an argument, especially in today's volatile crazy world. People are just as likely to start a physical fight with you as just complain. If people will get violent over masks they will get violent over anything. If someone is aggressive, don't wait for them to call the do it. THen land your drone and get away from them if possible.

I like that t-shirt...think I'll get one.
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The worst I’ve experienced thus far flying wasn’t bad at all. I was making a video at a cemetery in our area known for its fall colors, and there were several small groups of people out walking at the time. That’s fine, and I did all I could to make sure that I wasn’t in their way and to keep them out of my shots. I was flying my Mavic Mini, so it’s not exactly huge and loud to begin with. While I did a couple of high passes (~85’) over the cemetery to capture the trees from above the vast majority of my shots were long, slow passes straight through the cemetery - either directly over the headstones at 8’ or so, or down the access roads at anywhere from 1’ to 5’. When flying down the roads I was literally walking a few feet behind for safety (there were both pedestrians and vehicles in the area).

As I packed up to leave, a group of older women walked by and asked “Who were you spying on?” I’m 99% sure it was in jest, though. I laughed and said I was just taking pictures and handed them a business card with my Facebook page on it.

I fully expect that I’ll have people in the future get aggressive with me, though. I’ve been a photographer and metal detectorist for decades and have been involved in political advocacy (firearms rights) that has included openly carrying a handgun in places where it’s legal buy very uncommon. I’ve definitely been in positions in the past where people have been loud and confrontational about my explicitly legal actions.

In my experience, staying calm and reasonable is 99% of the solution here. They’re angry, you don’t have to be. If you stand your ground they’ll give up and huff off after they get it out of their system. Most of the ones that will actually call the cops will just call the cops and not try to confront you.
I've been Flying for a number of years now and it still amazes me that some people think they can tell me when and where I can fly!
I don't hover over anyone backyards etc., but I have flown over peoples houses at 300+ feet, which is perfectly legal! I own my property and can
and do fly on the perimeter of it checking my fence lines for breaks and still someone driving by has the audacity to question me for doing this!
I think we need to stand our ground on this and let people know that the FAA governs us not them! and if there's any doubts call law enforcement to get educated.
I always carry the Laws concerning Drones from the FAA and local law in my area and know what I can and cannot do.
I even have re-purposed afew wet floor signs that state (DONT DISTRACT ME---DRONE IN FLIGHT! And the laws posted below that.
And still someone thinks they are the Drone Police and try to tell me what when and where I can fly! When will people learn!
Don’t worry about these people. They don’t have a life and what little life they do have is the pursuit of complaining about what everyone else is doing. These people are losers. Ignore them.
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I only had one confrontation at a small park. It was minor, a couple guys saying I was flying over private property. I figured they were referring to photography, and explained that at 100ft, you can't get much detail.

Their real concern was that my P3 upset their dog. I think the P3s did emit a high pitched whine that tended to annoy animals. They were nice about their concerns, and otherwise thought it was neat. I was done with flying by the time they came anyway.
I've been Flying for a number of years now and it still amazes me that some people think they can tell me when and where I can fly!
I don't hover over anyone backyards etc., but I have flown over peoples houses at 300+ feet, which is perfectly legal! I own my property and can
and do fly on the perimeter of it checking my fence lines for breaks and still someone driving by has the audacity to question me for doing this!
I think we need to stand our ground on this and let people know that the FAA governs us not them! and if there's any doubts call law enforcement to get educated.
I always carry the Laws concerning Drones from the FAA and local law in my area and know what I can and cannot do.
I even have re-purposed afew wet floor signs that state (DONT DISTRACT ME---DRONE IN FLIGHT! And the laws posted below that.
And still someone thinks they are the Drone Police and try to tell me what when and where I can fly! When will people learn!

Your exactly right, I am all about being courteous and trying to peace but you have to take a stand when someones else's fears or what have you, forces me to keep my done grounded when I am flying safely and within the rules.

The sad thing is... you're more likely to encounter this sort of issue if you fly responsibly and in accordance to regulations.

If you maintain VLOS, you will naturally be visible (and probably audible) to nearby people. If you just fly hundreds of feet up and from miles away on a hill, chances are, nobody will see the drone. And if they did, they wouldn't have a clue who is flying it.

Clearly something needs to change going forwards. On the one hand, there are too many irresponsible pilots out there endangering other people and treating drones like toys. On the other hand, there's a ridiculous amount of irrational fear regarding hobby drones... and a lack of good faith in society in general.

Sadly I'm not optimistic about future prospects.
You make a very good point, the people looking for an argument are going to seek out the drone owner. If you have a VLOS then you are likely to be found. i ignore those people looking for a fight...and continue flying in public areas. If I’m flying over private property I will move on if someone asks. I don’t have the time or energy to waste with closed minded people. My hobby is flying drones, not debating idiots.
The best thing you can do is to NOT take off from public land. Or if you do, take off then go on private land. No one will bother you then.
I've been Flying for a number of years now and it still amazes me that some people think they can tell me when and where I can fly!
I don't hover over anyone backyards etc., but I have flown over peoples houses at 300+ feet, which is perfectly legal! I own my property and can
and do fly on the perimeter of it checking my fence lines for breaks and still someone driving by has the audacity to question me for doing this!
I think we need to stand our ground on this and let people know that the FAA governs us not them! and if there's any doubts call law enforcement to get educated.
I always carry the Laws concerning Drones from the FAA and local law in my area and know what I can and cannot do.
I even have re-purposed afew wet floor signs that state (DONT DISTRACT ME---DRONE IN FLIGHT! And the laws posted below that.
And still someone thinks they are the Drone Police and try to tell me what when and where I can fly! When will people learn!
90% of my "bad" encounters have always been with women 25-50 yrs of age...they always, always rage about spying on them, as if I have nothing better to do with my smart fly safe
I've been Flying for a number of years now and it still amazes me that some people think they can tell me when and where I can fly!
I don't hover over anyone backyards etc., but I have flown over peoples houses at 300+ feet, which is perfectly legal! I own my property and can
and do fly on the perimeter of it checking my fence lines for breaks and still someone driving by has the audacity to question me for doing this!
I think we need to stand our ground on this and let people know that the FAA governs us not them! and if there's any doubts call law enforcement to get educated.
I always carry the Laws concerning Drones from the FAA and local law in my area and know what I can and cannot do.
I even have re-purposed afew wet floor signs that state (DONT DISTRACT ME---DRONE IN FLIGHT! And the laws posted below that.
And still someone thinks they are the Drone Police and try to tell me what when and where I can fly! When will people learn!
I was ready to fly in the Swiss alps when a farmer approached me and told me not to fly here because it stresses her livestock, and one of his cows apparently had jumped in the lake because of a drone. I said sure that's a good reason, and I just walked 20 meters down and saw no livestock and took off. At the end of the day it's an authorized zone...

I always check the Swissmap first, and that's the only real consideration. Would anyone come to me and tell me not to fly here "because" then they might as well contact the Federal Office of Civil Aviation

But also we have friends in the family that have a castle in the alps and they get annoyed because everyone lures into their castle, which is private property so yeah
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90% of my "bad" encounters have always been with women 25-50 yrs of age...they always, always rage about spying on them, as if I have nothing better to do with my smart fly safe
The same average girls on Tinder that have impossible standards and thing people give a (Mod Removed Language)about them
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It depends on your tolerance for friction. You can, without any doubt, be flying legally, and some people are loud mouthed and bellegerant when feeling, incorrectly, that they have the right to overpower you. In my view, life is short. I find a place where I can enjoy my drone. That's, unfortunately, in very rural areas.
I think it’s fear of the unknown and inaccurate perception of what harm drones cause I.e right to privacy - Generally if we are compliant pilots we shouldn’t have any issues with the public - We’ll always annoy people that want to be annoyed by things they don’t understand or worse don’t want to - Take it for what it was - An uneducated busy body looking for a fight ?

If they can't seem to get control of themselves then I ask how high above their property do they own or something else roundabout? This leads to all kinds of confusion and distracts them from the actual issue at hand so I can get my bird to a safe location and leave.

I have found that "educating them" does not help at all. <snip>
Generally one cannot educate them - they know they are smarter and in the right, and they know it. :)

And this goes far beyond drones.
90% of my "bad" encounters have always been with women 25-50 yrs of age...they always, always rage about spying on them, as if I have nothing better to do with my smart fly safe
AKA Karens. :)
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Haven't had anyone complain about my drone yet...had one guy at a part start asking questions...he had a used one someone "gave" him and didn't know what kind of battery, etc it needed. Told him Google is your friend as I don't know what drone he had. I felt like he "found" the drone if you get my drift.

I usually try to explain that they do not own the air above their property. That is the exclusive property of the FAA and if they have a complaint to take it up with them. I like the idea of business cards with FAA rules, links and contact info. I think I'll make some.

As for people not understanding the law, I run into that ALL the time doing street photography. They usually start about their right to privacy, how it's illegal to photograph them without their permission, yadda yadda. I try to calmly explain that they have not legal expectations of privacy on a public street, or anywhere that can be seen from a public area (windows not included unless they are hanging out of Usually, that's all it takes and many times I will just delete the image if they are nice about it (though my camera makes backup nothing is ever truly I also try to point out that they are photographed dozens a times a day just walking down the street. Security cameras on many commercial buildings, traffic light cameras, people with cellphones doing selfies or video calls, (Mod Removed Language) the police cars have rolling video. But, I have had a few occasions where people just went bonkers and called the cops...which I encourage them to do if they feel they must. Cops usually just listen to the story and pull the person aside and tell them that I was right and I am not breaking any laws.

But in the end, do NOT get in an argument, especially in today's volatile crazy world. People are just as likely to start a physical fight with you as just complain. If people will get violent over masks they will get violent over anything. If someone is aggressive, don't wait for them to call the do it. THen land your drone and get away from them if possible.

I like that t-shirt...think I'll get one.

You do like this guy?

I've been Flying for a number of years now and it still amazes me that some people think they can tell me when and where I can fly!
I don't hover over anyone backyards etc., but I have flown over peoples houses at 300+ feet, which is perfectly legal! I own my property and can
and do fly on the perimeter of it checking my fence lines for breaks and still someone driving by has the audacity to question me for doing this!
I think we need to stand our ground on this and let people know that the FAA governs us not them! and if there's any doubts call law enforcement to get educated.
I always carry the Laws concerning Drones from the FAA and local law in my area and know what I can and cannot do.
I even have re-purposed afew wet floor signs that state (DONT DISTRACT ME---DRONE IN FLIGHT! And the laws posted below that.
And still someone thinks they are the Drone Police and try to tell me what when and where I can fly! When will people learn!
Unfortunately a lot of people are just plain irrational when it comes to drones. They don't know what the law allows, and they don't care. They believe drones should be outlawed, not merely regulated. Many are paranoids who are convinced that every drone is spying on them, regardless of any evidence to the contrary.

In short, they're a bunch of loons. What's scary is how many loons are out there.
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You do like this guy?

Not my style, but I've seen a few street photographers that work this way. They do get some amazing shots but you never really know who's going to react in a bad way. Though 99.9% of the time most people are like "Huh? What just happened?" and simply keep going. Thing is to keep going and not engage....but that's how it is in NYC. LOL. Wouldn't try that in my home town area...people are not that self absorbed when walking. :)
I've been Flying for a number of years now and it still amazes me that some people think they can tell me when and where I can fly!
I don't hover over anyone backyards etc., but I have flown over peoples houses at 300+ feet, which is perfectly legal! I own my property and can
and do fly on the perimeter of it checking my fence lines for breaks and still someone driving by has the audacity to question me for doing this!
I think we need to stand our ground on this and let people know that the FAA governs us not them! and if there's any doubts call law enforcement to get educated.
I always carry the Laws concerning Drones from the FAA and local law in my area and know what I can and cannot do.
I even have re-purposed afew wet floor signs that state (DONT DISTRACT ME---DRONE IN FLIGHT! And the laws posted below that.
And still someone thinks they are the Drone Police and try to tell me what when and where I can fly! When will people learn!
I have been flying since 2016, got my Part 107 in May of 2017. I do weddings (pre COVID), residential/commercial real estate, I fly for cinematography purposes as well. I will often fly in my local city parks to test out equipment after newly purchased, after repairs and always after firmware upgrades.

I have been approached by a few people just wanting to ask questions, I alway obliged their request and just explain that I need to land before I can engage in a conversation. Only once I was somewhat aggressively approached by an elderly couple who accused me of spying on them.

I was in the local park and was using the horizon to adjust my gimble alignment. I also happen to be about 50ft behind their house, over park property but just hovering there for a while. I noticed them pointing at the drone from view on my tablet and decide to move a little to the left out of their field of view and not behind their property. Did not matter, saw them get in their car and heading for the park entrance. By the time they got their, I was already landed and awaiting their approach.

These 2 were in their mid 70s and were really more unaware and intimidated by the technology then they were angry. They asked why I was spying on them...longer story short, I explained to them what I was doing and showed them how the gimbal works and the drone is fully GPS assisted. The man was really interested and impressed by the technology (Mavic 2 Pro).

He used to work as an engineer at Kodak, in Rochester NY. I took off again while they were there and flew back to their house and showed them how it looked on my 8" tablet from 100 ft AGL. The wife was a retired photographer and she was just so amazed at the view and the clarity. I then handed him the controller and said "Lets you & I take it for a spin..." His eyes lit up like a little boy at Xmas. When it was all said and done, I had made 2 new friends that day by just being nice and taking the time to show them what drones are really about.

When I go home, I email the image that I took of their house with the mountains and setting sun in the background. Yes they gave me their number and email address. Every time now, when they see me at the park, they bring me a bottle of water and orange or an apple.
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